
Why are Christian men so fervantly anti abortion?

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It's not like they have the first clue about it really, is the case more like they just want to attack, attack, attack, everything and everyone.?




  1. <<Why are Christian men so fervantly anti abortion?>>

    The moral teachings of the Church, as they pertain to abortion, are to be upheld by Catholic men as well as women.

    <<It's not like they have the first clue about it really, is the case more like they just want to attack, attack, attack, everything and everyone.?>>

    What do you mean men don't "have the first clue" really? Women don't get pregnant without men!

    I think the problem, for you, is that you see this as a women's issue only, and for that reason you opine that men don't have a say.

    The reality is that men and women are to uphold the moral highground.

    <<Or do you do it because you think that very vulnerable people will be shattered by your unpleasant words.>>

    Pro-lifers, whether they are men or women, represent the strong who are upholding the moral right for the weak - the unborn.

  2. To be anti-abortion is to be very anti-female, and most fundamentalist christians are very anti-female, hill billy, biker guys with not even a hs education.  They are all clones of Bush... say one thing and do something else..  They are as well the first to impregnant some idiotic lady, and bail, leaving her to raise it herself.

    Google all this stuff.  The true anti-abortionists, have a lower IQ, lower education level, blue collar workers, or welfare... google it, hon.  It's all there.

  3. Because the biblical literalists (evangelicals and fundamentalists) would prefer to smash their children against the rocks after they're born per Psalm 137:9 "Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

  4. some are some aren't

  5. For the same reason Christian Women are against abortion, abortion destroys an innocent human life, usually for selfish purposes.

  6. They believe that it is "against god".

    Any rational person will understand that no one makes that decision lightly or frivolously.

    Men, as none of us will ever give birth, have only one role in that matter and that is to support the decision of our loved ones.

  7. In response to your attack, that is not the case.  Your bigoted generalization is pathetic.

  8. What is fervantly?  Hey get a clue about spelling before you generalize people.

  9. Because murdering babies is evil.

    The fetus has human DNA and a different genetic makeup from the mother. The cells are multiplying. So from a scientific point of view the fetus is certainly human life.

  10. Because some conservative men think it's their right to control a woman's body - on that and several other levels.

  11. because they know that if society knew what they would grow up into...their abortion would have been demanded.

  12. Cuz' the Bible tells em' so!

  13. All Christians should be against murder.

  14. They have to be fervently anti-something, don't they?

    Abortion is an easy pick, as it doesn't really effect them.

    p.s. - I am pro-life as a guy can be.  I don't kill babies personally, and honestly I lose respect for women who do it to avoid the repercussions of their own actions(specifying, not generalizing).  But I would never dream of stopping them either.  Only they know whether they deserve to reproduce, I can't make that call.

    p.s.s. I'm atheist too.

  15. I hate to say this, but if men actually had babies themselves, there would be no question as to whether abortion should be legal. It would be legal and protected.

  16. Because i am against murder

  17. cause they want to see our american system of social services come crashing down-

  18. Why do think men have no clue about abortion? You have no clue what men think.

  19. is because God has the right to create life and we do not have the right to take innocent life.

  20. Please don't assume that all Christian men all anti-choice, because they're not. At local pro-choice rallies, I've seen quite a few men I know to be Christian out there publicly fighting for a woman's right to choose. I know several male Episcopal priests who are pro-choice, and also know men from many other congregations who are pro-choice. At every one of these rallies, I've run into men I know to be frequent churchgoers. I also have male Christian friends who are supporters of the National Organization for Women and Planned Parenthood.

  21. I am pro life. I would never attack anyone personally for having an abortion, considering having one, or being in favor of abortion

    .  However,  every child you see around a playground, school, park, etc., are the result of someone choosing to NOT have an abortion.

    Children have the best attitude toward life...they are not judgemental, not cynical,  but they are transparent (what you see is what you get), and are in awe of life...They express their emotions and thoughts in such a wonderful way....  All of us adults could learn something from them. So I love kids and the potential they have as an adult.  It is painful to know that every abortion that is performed takes away one of these little ones before they have a chance to live.

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