
Why are Christians hated for there views but atheists and other nonbelievers are not?

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Why do people think that being told they are going to h**l is hatred . We tell people about h**l because we want to save them from going to h**l. That we be considered love in my book. If you didnt care then wouldn't you just let them all die and never tell them about Jesus.




  1. A lot of people think that Christian (and other religious beliefs) are very outlandish.  Atheists on the other hand, have nothing you can hate because they believe in nothing.

  2. Because I encounted a few peeps that tried to push their beliefs on to me, Forcefully. And telling what I think is wrong. I don't hate them though, there are still some very nice, open-minded and lovely people I know that are Christians.

  3. John 15:19-21

    [Jesus said to His disciples,] If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me."

  4. If I were a Psychology PhD student, I would write my dissertation on the Christian Persecution Complex.  

  5. RADICAL Christians are hated for their views, and RADICAL atheists are hated for theirs. Usually by the other group....

  6. Well Jesus told us that we would be persecuted for our beliefs.  Of course some Christians aren't helping matters when they are hateful and judgmental towards everyone who is non christian.  But for the most part I take the persecution with good cheer, knowing that as long as it continues, then I'm in the correct religion. :)

    I hope this helps

    BTW, it is not for us to tell others that they are going to h**l, that is solely between them and God.  We can GENTLY point out that they are wrong in doing something, but we can not d**n them to h**l for it, we are not God.

  7. Don't ever think that when it comes to religion you are more hated than the rest of us...oddly enough religious peope are all hated equally. I find it funny that a christian would find themselves to be the most hated when most christians aren't willing to accept that other people may have there own views.

    But, like I said at the top...I belive that when it comes to religion no matter if you are religious in any way shape or form or not... people hate each others individuality on the topic.

  8. I do not know Christians to be hated for their views.  And the way non-Believers are treated, told that they deserve to burn in a Lake fo Fire for all eternity, sure sounds alot like hatred to me.

  9. Yes I agree with you. People are too afraid of steeping on anyone toes. Or atheists throw a hissy fit if Christians do or say anything. Society is messed up and forgot God. Yes and telling them if you don't repent and straighten up or your going to h**l is true love because you love the soul.  

  10. Well its cause you like to make the assumption that its easy to reject the socially acceptable myth and choose logic to discover history's oldest questions.  You are not hatted any more than atheists are hated by Christians.    

  11. Excuse me?  Instead of saying people with other spiritual views, you specify atheists and call all others "nonbelievers".  You have made the judgement that everyone who believes different from you spirituality-wise is wrong and not worthy of respect, and then you complain about being hated?

    It is not the basic Christian doctrine I hate, it is the way Christian teachings have been twisted into an excuse to behave like they're better than everyone else, to be intolerant of others, to hate and condemn all who do not follow them.  

    Add to that the constant attempts to scare us into conversion with the threat of eternal damnation, and you call that "love".  oookay.

    And speaking of your additional details - why are people like you so quick to believe that all of us non-Christians have never read the Bible or learned about Jesus and his teachings, and that you have to tell us and try to "save" us?  Do you know what they say about "assuming"?

    Many pagans and atheists I know have spent more time studying Christianity in-depth than many Christians I know.  We get it - you don't have to keep telling us!  A broken record is merely annoying. It doesn't help you, and it doesn't help us.  It won't change anything.  I was called to the spiritual path I'm on and it is the right one for me.  After lengthy study of Christianity, I could not fit my beliefs and my heart into it.  If you're going to follow a religion, shouldn't you truly believe in it?  Truly have faith?  

    We don't hate you for your views.  We disagree with some of your views.  (Which we have the right to do just as you have the right to disagree with my views.)  We dislike the fact that you try to force your beliefs on others instead of simply accepting the fact that spirituality is a personal choice and it is not your business to decide what is right for another in this matter.

    So tell me, since you feel so hated as a Christian - have you ever had non-Christian protesters outside of your church trying to prevent you from going to your worship service?  Have you ever had any non-Christian leave a nasty note on your car in a restaurant parking lot because they found out you were Christian and felt the need to tell you off?  These things have happened to me as a Wiccan.  These are the acts of "love" Christianity teaches?  And you wonder why some of us simply cannot agree with you and do not wish to be a part of your flock.

    And why are you so concerned about our after-life?  What's wrong with this life?  I didn't see any Christians coming to my aid when I lost my job after 9/11 and nearly lost my home and couldn't afford to eat on a daily basis. But yet you're all concerned about what's going to happen to me after I die?  Sorry, I think we have a different definition of "love".

  12. That is not true, I respect anyone who can actually explain their view and answers here. I have much respect and admiration for some of the most fundamental Christians on this forum. However if I get a rant or zero thoughts or evidences to back a claim, I don't care if it is pro or against the question, I will disagree with them.

  13. That's really funny.

    Or do you have a special filter that makes you see only one side?

    ...Of course, you used the term non-believers to mean people with beliefs other than yours, so what would you know about hate. I mean, you don't hate, you just rewrite the world so other beliefs are non-beliefs.

    And the word is THEIR.

  14. STOP!!!

    Stop calling other than christians are non believers.

    Stop trying to convert us.

    Stop acting like ure the executor of non ur kind.

    Stop playing saint.

    After all u said u still dont have a clue why I personally hated people like u who unfortunately is christian.

    We believe what we believe.

    U'll go to h**l to if u dont believe in Allah SWT, u know why? Coz its said in Qur'an that other than Islam will go to h**l.

    BUT??? They (muslims) dont tell that to ur face! Coz they still know people has right. And i believe the other than muslims dont do that too. Thats why they dont try to push other n try to convert others into their belief.

    I feel sorry that u are hated. But u worth it after what u said!

    So cry... I dont care!

  15. 18If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

    19If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

    20Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

    21But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.

    22If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin.

    23He that hateth me hateth my Father also.

    24If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.

    25But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.

    26But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

    27And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.

  16. The majority of Christians are fine, and are not hated for their views. But if you go around trying to force Creationism in school and yelling about the "evils' of homosexuality, you should not be surprised when people aren't very fond of you.

  17. Because it's easy for them (atheists) to sit back and criticize and run down other faiths, as if their lack of one gives them some kind or soapbox or judgmental vantage point.

    You will also find a vast majority of them spend alot of time on these forums stoking the flames of spiritual argument.

  18. It's not your VIEWS we hate, but your ACTIONS -- specifically, the control you try to exert on the rest of us based on you and your brethren's collective delusion.

    Stop playing the victim.

  19. Because the atheists are the ones doing all the hating.

  20. I don't speak for everyone, but for my views its the fact that they are always trying to push their views on to me when I don't want them, I'm always getting some kind of sermon.  And the fact that organized religion takes in billions a year in donations, pays no taxes and still wants to tell the government how to run thing - there is a separation of church and state for a reason.

  21. Probably because the only views most atheists have in common is their lack of belief in gods.

  22. How do you figure? I've lost a job, husband, family friends all because they found out I was atheist. I am told at least once a week that I am going to h**l for my views.  

  23. Here are some choice bits of hate from christians directed at us atheists:

    “How about eternity in h**l, which awaits all who reject God's salvation.”    

    -Soldier for Salvation-

    “People go to h**l for not accepting the gift of salvation from Jesus Christ.”     - FROG E-

    “I do think that all Atheists should go to h**l.”     - Mary L-

    “i guess those people that dont believe want to burn in h**l for eternity!”     - jons babe-

    “Jesus is the only way to heaven. All other ways lead to eternal h**l.”     - Chris-

    “Jesus's message was simplke- worship him as god, or burn in h**l.”     - Toad Face-

    “You're going to h**l if you don't accept Jesus and stop mocking Christianity.”   -Colt B-

  24. You were told why you are hated...

    For His names sake...You are not of this world, for if you were the world would love you.

  25. While your statement seems to be true, it is actually NOT!

    Most Christians are not actually hated at all. While most atheist and "Non Believers of the Christian faith" are persecuted for believing in something different than the Christian Faith.

    Christians are the Majority religion in the USA. There beliefs have had a major influence on our culture. Now that some of these "ideals" are being questioned by opposing religions. So it may seem too many Christians that they are NOW the persecuted.

    Understandably, they may not enjoy this.

  26. Yes, yes, 85% of the population is magically being oppressed by 10% or less, we know, we know.

    Quit whining.

  27. Christians, by and large, aren't hated.   The cult that they are members of is.    It turns good people bad, and makes bad people worse.   That is evidenced here every day.

    Please stop feeling sorry for yourself.   If you truly have faith, you won't care what others think of you.    

  28. Because to seem cool you need to be alternative.  It doesnt look cool and alternative to be a Christian.  It does to be something else in our country.

  29. WAAAAAA!!!!! Someone call the wambulance....

    Christians are not hated for their views. You can quit with the persecution complex now. Remember - its atheists that are prevented from holding public office in America, not Christians. So kindly STFU with your persecution c**p.  

  30. You are not telling the truth here, so the question is invalid.

    My hair is a bird...

  31. Good question. It's interesting that, in our politically correct society, the only religious group it is acceptable to offend is Christians.

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