
Why are Coaches so underpaid?

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I mean,they're half the reason teams win championships.This just goes to show that brains are really underrated these days.The president makes less than Michael Beasley.




  1. Since when are coaches underpaid?  They make 5-7 millions a year and how is that underpaid?  Do you really believe that president Bush make less then Beasley?  You haven't add up all the incentives a President receive as well as benefits he'll receive after his term.

  2. cuz all they do is sit there really..well at least some of them..phil jackson makes bank n all i really see him do is sit there lol

  3. trust me no1 is more under paid more than women players in the wnba so imagine their coaches!


  4. They're underpaid because they're not the ones playing on the court. The players make team the coaches don't. If you say the word lakers who comes to mind? Kobe. They come up with the plays but it's up to the players to carry it out. Without the players the coaches would be nothing. But I do think they not credited and are underpaid but that's just how things are.

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