
Why are Conservatives afraid of gun regulations and restrictions?

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Was the 2nd amendment one that was created to ensure the continuation and flourishing of the state militias as a means of defense, or was it created to ensure an individual's right to own a firearm?

Despite the rhetoric on both sides of the issue, the answer to both questions is most likely "Yes", for the late 18th century maybe, but not now. The attitude of Americans toward the military was much different in the 1790's than it is today. Standing armies were mistrusted, as they had been used as tools of oppression by the monarchs of Europe for centuries. In the war for independence, there had been a regular army, but much of the fighting had been done by the state militias, under the command of local officers. Aside from the war, militias were needed because attacks were relatively common, whether by bandits, Indians, and even by troops from other states.

Now that we have well established State National Guards, wouldn't it be senseless to make any size and caliber weapons legal and available to the general public? Why not just be happy with your 6-shooter for personal safety and leave the local combat responsibilities to your State National Guard? Unless of course you like a society that has no regulations, restrictions or limitations like some of the violent regions in the Middle East!




  1. Your argument is good..but if the militia or guards cannot be there or are elsewhere..who else is going to protect themselves or others.

    This thinking that the government is responsible for protecting and aiding and supplying ones needs is not acceptable.

    The people are the 1st responders not the govt.

    s for th banning of weapons there are groups pressuring the govt to do just that....and because of that some states and communities have put restriction so intense that one may not as well own a firearm

  2. The supreme court recently ruled that it guarantees the right of the individual to own guns.

    Johnny - Suprisingly few gun related crimes are done with a registered weapon. Most are eitehr stolen or purchased illegally.

  3. Americans don't have unfettered right to own and carry any firearm.

    They have to be registered.

    How many violent crimes are committed by people carrying REGISTERED firearms?

  4. Real conservatives are probably not fooled by this, but phony cons fall for the fear mongering by Republican campaigns, special interest groups and the media.

    The second Amendment is safe, 2/3 of both The House and Senate, then 3/4 of The States must vote to change or repeal an Amendment.


    Despite the politics of fear and distraction.

  5. I'm all for banning citizens from having military grade weapons, but I am opposed to banning or making it very difficult for citizens to aquire pistols for home and personal defense. Areas where handguns are banned or highly regulated have higher crime rates, since criminals obviously do not follow gun laws, so you are making citizens defenseless against them, and they capitalize on that.

    The 2nd amendment is to ensure individuals the right to own a gun to defend: themselves, their family, and their property; not only from the government, but from anyone willing to encroach upon their liberties and property.

  6. It's Not Fear Mongering, It's Common Sense.  Proponents of Gun Bans are of the same Mindset as Hitler and Stalin in order to overcome Unarmed Citizens! Last time I checked the history books, people as Individuals Have the Right to Keep and Bare Arms to Protect themselves from Invaders, their person and to take Back government if necessary If it Becomes Totalitarian or grevieously Violates the United States Constitution and the Civil Rights of It's Citizens.

  7. Why regulate guns? A person using a tire iron can kill another human being.  

    Guns, not matter what their caliber are, are capable of killing a human being.  I really don't see the issue with regulating guns, but I can understand the concern of putting up an obstacle to certain people (felons) from obtaining a gun.  

  8. "Why are Conservatives afraid of gun regulations and restrictions?"

    Gee, I don't know.  Maybe because of what happened in n**i Germany.  Their citizen's were disarmed and look how many Jews died because they couldn't defend themselves.  Firearm restrictions ALWAYS leads to confiscation.  

    "Was the 2nd amendment one that was created to ensure the continuation and flourishing of the state militias as a means of defense, or was it created to ensure an individual's right to own a firearm?"

    The Supreme Court recently ruled on this and it is no longer up for debate.  It was created to ensure an individual's right to own a firearm.

    "The attitude of Americans toward the military was much different in the 1790's than it is today. Standing armies were mistrusted, as they had been used as tools of oppression by the monarchs of Europe for centuries."

    Are you really that much of an idiot?  Look at how corrupt our government has become right here in the United States.  Are you honestly going to tell me that you believe our government wouldn't turn our military against the citizens of this nation in an effort at enforcing corrupt laws if it came to that?  Standing Armies should still be watched closely and with much scrutiny.  You should never place absolute trust in those who have power over you and our firearms are the only things that keep us from being slaves to the state.

    "Militias were needed because attacks were relatively common, whether by bandits, Indians, and even by troops from other states."

    Yea, your right.  Innocent citizens of this country never get attacked by gang thugs, theives out to rob them blind or rapists.  Yea, that never happens so we have no more need to be armed as citizens.

    "Now that we have well established State National Guards, wouldn't it be senseless to make any size and caliber weapons legal and available to the general public?"


    "Why not just be happy with your 6-shooter for personal safety and leave the local combat responsibilities to your State National Guard?"

    Because I have the God given right to protect myself and my family, possibly from that very same State Nation Guard that you naively believe will always be there to protect you.

    "Unless of course you like a society that has no regulations, restrictions or limitations like some of the violent regions in the Middle East!"

    I would much prefer that sort of society as compared to one where I am a slave of the state and it is the government which is inflicting the violence upon myself and my family.  I least with the first sort of society, I would at least have a chance at defending myself.  How do you like them apples?

    "Democrats don't want to do away with the second amendment. If I'm wrong, please provide credible sources such as a high resolution video with a Democrat saying such a thing."

    Don't you get it?  The Democrats today may actually not want to ban firearms or the second amendment, but they definetly support firearm control and history has shown us time and time again that it will lead to the banning of all firearms.  As a firearm owner, that isn't chance I am willing to take.  There is too much riding on my right to bear arms.

  9. The bill of rights pertains to INDIVIDUALS, NOT classes/groups of people.  The bill of rights original intent was INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, again,  NOT communal rights.  Communal rights are given by man,  & can be taken away by man.  

    Our founding fathers realized that these rights stated in the bill of rights wer GOD gIven rights as stated,  meaning the rights listed could NOT be taken from man by another man.

    There is NO need for "others" to be prying into others personal business.  The bill of rights is STRICTLY personal business,  NOT governmental business.  America was formed as a constitutional republic,  NOT a communal state.

  10. Should we do away with the 1st Amendment too. How about throwing out the whole Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They are old and outdated too.

  11. I'm not particularly conservative, and on this issue I'm very liberal: there should be as little restriction as possible on the right to bear arms, not on the basis of fear but on the basis of principle. I expect the second amendment will be developed by the NRA and such groups in the 21st century in the same way the first was by groups like the ACLU in the 20th.

    Moreover, if there's anything to fear, it's an over-arching police. Look at news articles today (like Yahoo! published on the main page about the TX school where some teachers are now allowed to carry firearms to school). Somehow, the wrong-headed have gotten the idea that the police should be armed and the general public shouldn't. That's the exact opposite of the origins of police departments. Bobbies, and later the original NYPD, were unarmed until it became obvious they needed arms, and were to rely on the local citizenry if the need for arms arose. This is proper and avoids the police shootings that seem too often to make the news. I do not favor disarming the police, but I do think we need to return the relationship to the original form. It would go a long way towards reduction in the "us vs. them" mentality some people have about the police.

    Also, "reasonable restrictions" have been on the books, along with a lot of unreasonable ones, for decades. All the new legislation is past the level of reason and into the realm of the emotional.

    Personally, I feel perfectly safe with my double-barrelled shotguns and my six-shooters, but I don't see a problem with those who are a bit more nervous. And in a free society, the liberal idea is that restrictions should not be the default position but should be placed only when there's an overwhelming need.

    BTW, since you mentioned the Middle East, were you aware that Israel has a high rate of gun posession and a low rate of gun crime? It's culture, not the availability of firearms, that drives violence.

  12. You never know what situations may arise, and a 6-shooter may not be enough. If law enforcement or the military are threatening yours and your families lives, why should they be restricted in the way they are able to protect themselves? I'm not saying that citizens should be allowed to have tanks and rockets, but they should have the freedoms for options.

  13. I know you shouldn't answer a question with a question, but why does everything come down to fear when it comes to liberals. Is fear all that motivates you? I believe in the right to bear arms because it is a fundamental part of our society, and a right I hold dear. Not because of any fear.

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