
Why are Democrats continuously obstructing us from drilling more of our own oil?

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Why are Democrats continuously obstructing us from drilling more of our own oil?




  1. Democrats aren't against drilling our own oil, we simply believe that since 80% of the known oil reserve lands (and shores) are already under lease agreements to the oil companies should be drilled first. A more appropriate question is why, since they already have these leases, are they only working on 20% of these areas?

    I believe the oil companies should work the areas already under lease before we cough up more - especially in areas where ecological disasters are just waiting to happen.

    Drilling in these off shore areas and federal park lands simply isn't needed at this time. Besides, Americans wouldn't see any oil products from these areas for 10 years. We need oil relief now and instead of maintaining the energy status quo for large oil companies, we need to work on energy alternatives such as wind, solar, geothermal and hybrid vehicles.

  2. Their goal is to weaken this country as much as possible. The continued denial of Pelosi and Reid to facts prove how liberals do not belong in control of congress.

  3. The Democrats are OWNED by the far-left environmentalists in this country. It's really that simple.

  4. Because even though they prevent us from being able to implement a sane energy plan, their voters will never figure it out, and will still blame Bush and the GOP.

    I figure that drilling will suddenly become allowed on November 5th, if, to our misfortune, Obama is elected.

  5. They "LOVE" the environment over humans.

    Meanwhile, China is off the coast of Florida drilling like crazy with the help of Cuba.

  6. You should try getting your news from more than just one (very biased) source!

    Why are Republicans continuously obstructing us from drilling more of our own oil?

    The truth is, politicians with common sense on both sides can see that the solution is not quite that simple.  It's kind of a shame you can't...

  7. There are multiple justifications for this behavior, though the end result is always that we just increase our imports from foreign nations. raise our trade defecit, and miss out on any profits going into our own local economies.  

    Some of the reasons for obstruction are:

    1.  Environmental impact concerns.  There are legitimate fears of oil spills caused by ruptured pipelines, grounded tankers, or the like.  There have been several bad spills on our coasts and even though technology has improved, people have bad memories of oil disasters in the past.

    2.  A belief that oil companies have a conspiracy to make large profits and the government isn't getting enough of that revenue stream.  Some Democrats believe the oil companies are already sitting on massive oil reserves on land they can already drill on, but are refusing to drill in order to artificially inflate the price of oil.

    3.  A belief that increasing our available supply of oil and lowering gas prices will only continue to make automobiles and private transportation attractive to Americans.  There is a desire by some liberals to do away with private transportation as an American way of life and move everyone to government designed public transportation.  

    4.  Other environmental impact concerns.  Some believe that  carbon dioxide as a by-product of oil combusion is a pollutant that causing global warming.  Therefore we should not be producing more oil for use in cars and should make cars run on something other than oil.  No explanation for the fact most life on the planet either emits or consumes carbon dioxide, but facts never seem to matter in passionate debates like this.

    5.  A desire to appeal to the farm lobby or other special interests that would benefit from reduced oil supplies.  Ethanol subsidies can only go so far, but limited oil makes demand for ethanol higher.  So the ethanol business has a vested interest in high oil prices to make their product more attractive.

    6.  A belief that oil supplies are running out and therefore oil must be saved in the ground.  If oil is truly finite and not being recreated, then saving the oil for truly necessary uses (maybe things like making plastics for medical devices?) would be an imperative.  I don't see any Democrats actually make this point, but it would be a possible argument since no one actually has proven how much oil there is on the planet and whether it ever regenerates.

    7.  A desire to attack capitalism and private enterprise.  This is probably the worst rationale that a Democrat could have, but it unfortunately appears to be a powerful motivator for many liberals whether they admit it outright or not.  Many Democrats identify with socialist principles and either don't understand the private energy economy or just want to attack it beacuse it does not align with their worldview.

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