
Why are Democrats fiscally responsible and Republicants suck at economics?

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The Dow just dropped almost 500 points in the last week and is now at Clinton era levels, the dollar is at an all time low, inflation is through the roof, and we have the largest trade deficit in history after inheriting a budget surplus from the democrats.

The Republicants were supposed to stimulate the economy by giving the richest 1 % a tax break.......didn't happen!

Gas prices were supposed to go down after invading Iraq.......didn't happen!

Americans were supposed to be better off........didn't happen!

Republicants had their chance and they mucked it up royally!

I say we pass a bill to permanently BAN all Republicans from the white house!!!!!

They are sinking this country!

For those ignorant few who try to shift the blame on the Democrats in Congress/Senate, they have just a bare majority and only since 2007. BTW, Bush has vetoed every bill that would've helped us get out of this hole!




  1. They are only looking out for the elite few corporate fat cats at the cost of the middle class.

  2. Certainly the GOP bears a lot of blame for abandoning the principle of fiscal responsibility.  No argument there.

    But this is really comparing apples and oranges.  Clinton benefited from an enormous tech bubble economy, commonly referred to as the bubble, and no threats to our domestic security being apparent.  That bubble burst just as Bush came into office.  By the way, when the bubble burst, the capital gains revenues that were fueling those surpluses stopped with it.

    Then of course, we had 9/11 which hurt us economically and psychologically.  Bush then got his tax cuts through and that helped shorten the recession and lessen its severity.  And it wasn't just the top 1% as the liberal class warriors would have you believe.  I saw real tax relief making $45k a year.  Am I the top 1%???

    Iraq was invaded.  While Bush pushed for it, I don't seem to recall a whole lot of Democrat leadership opposition.  In fact I seem to recall them demanding to have a vote, so they could vote almost unanimously in favor of it.  Still, Iraq has turned out to be a fiasco and sucked significant money from the federal budget.  Bush gets the blame, as well he should.

    Then the housing boom went bust.  I doubt Bush could have done a whole lot on it, and I sure don't recall hearing a lot of demands from the opposition to do something during the heights of the bubble.  If you want to blame Bush for not doing something about the housing bubble then I insist you place blame on Clinton for not doing anything about the bubble.

  3. you got it backwards

    since the democratic congress took over

    the economy has been going down

    wait until you have to pay for all the c**p

    Obama is pushing for

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