
Why are Democrats more about feelings while Republicans are more about facts?

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Why are Democrats more about feelings while Republicans are more about facts?




  1. republicans are smarter than democrats.

  2. Why are Republicans into destroying the economy?

  3. And yet you solid facts to back this up. LOL.

  4. Libs are like kids, its all about emotion and right now ...republicans are the adults

  5. thats not the case.  democrats center more around middle class workers that have feelings while republicans strip feelings from people by keeping the rich rich and the poor poor.  democrats concentrate on the wills and needs of the people in this country while republicans focus primarily on wealth and power, two things we have enough of in this country,.  BARACK & BIDEN 2008 !!

  6. It takes feelings to understand that there are people in this country who are suffering.

  7. Yeah, check the facts buddy.

    The country is in huge deficit of half-trillion.

    Your kids and grand kids are going to have to pay for your folly for electing Bush these past 8 years.

    Face that fact.

  8. Liberalism is a diagnosed, mental disorder.

  9. Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains.  - Winston Churchill

  10. Because they don't know how to govern.  So, faced with no real answers to our country's problems they are left with no choice but to run on empty promises of change.  

  11. And you cite no study that suggests this.  Intrigueing.

    Sorry, I have yet to find a republican that can debate me beyond bumper sticker slogans, they never know what they are talking about and never cite their sources either.  Maybe one day I'll bump into one that can find facts somewhere other than anonymous blogs.

  12. Facts on the internet and from a fat, disgusting, drug addicted slob named Rush huh? You guys kill me with your illogic.

  13. Hmm... that's funny cause you didn't provide quotes or anything. Or maybe you're thinking of the fact that republicans have no emotion to show?...

  14. feelings?

    why do you think our government is a DEMOCRACY and not a republic?

  15. I read one answer that says that Rep are smarter than Dems. YOU CAN NOT BE SERIOUS. Your intelligent pick for back to back terms is a man with the IQ of a freaking brick.

    Bush did as much to the english language as he did to our economy. F'd it all up, but yet I saw Rep come out in droves to support him. But you guys call Obama followers sheep.

  16. republican agenda is based on keeping the rich in comfort .Dem's are for the working people at least the ones that are not crooked.......

  17. I never thought I'd ever see the words "Republicans" and "facts" in the same sentence.  Are you high?

  18. Conservatives have no hearts, and liberals have no brains.

  19. Oh yeal. The Democrats have a lot of those sort that run on beliefs instead of facts.  Get real.  You've got your generalization totally in reverse.

  20. I don't see how you can sum it up to feelings.

    It is about issues, not about feelings.

    Look up the definitions of what a democratic and a republican means.

    You can start there, then get to know the issues and what is going on in this country. What do they stand for? more important, what do you stand for and what do you want for this country?

    Ask yourself these important questions first, before you vote.

    It is undoubtedly one the most important rights you have.

    To vote that is. smile  

  21. It actually the other way around. democrats are more about facts and feeling because they care so much about this country while mc cain just tell people what they wanna hear. same old lies. Sad to know u are falling for it

  22. Didn't you get that backwards?  The Democrats based their economic policies on science, economics, developed by John Maynard Keynes under FDR in the 1930's, it kept the economy stable and growing for over 70 years.  Republicans with the feel good feeling that deregulation was needed managed to evaporate a budget surplus and turn it into a $1.5 trillion deficit in less than 8 years.  Republican economics are and always have been based on fantasy, delusion, childish wishful thinking.  The results are clear.  The value of your money has already declined by almost 40% because of Mr. Bush's fantasy delusion feel good economics.  Its making you poor.  Is that what you want?

  23. Democrats are long on emotion and short on logic, morality, and honesty.

    There's a book out titled "If Democrats had any brains they'd be Republicans"  I'd say that just about sums it up.

    Having said that...  About 50% of Democrats are nice people...  Dillusional, but nice...

    And, of course there are some Republicans that are real hypocrites..  Maybe 20%....

  24. They are not smart enough to understand all the figures and facts.  That's why they want the govt to take their whole check and spend it for them.  Math is hard for them dontcha know!!

  25. Isn't sad that you can only repeat the c**p Rush Limbaugh spews out?

  26. I would say that republicans are very much about feelings:  it's the one called "greed."

  27. Feelings, nothing more than feelings, trying to win an election, feelings whoa whoa feelings, teardrops rolling down on our face, thinking that we could be McCain, feelings whoa whoa whoa feelings

    Vote McCain in 08  

  28. Oh yes, like the one where we should invade Iraq because we are looking for WMDs Sadam Hussein was suppose to have but that had nothing to do with Al Queda destroying the buildings on 9/11. Now we have a trillion dollar war and thousands of solders deceased and maimed. Makes sense to me.

  29. You need a study to see the blatantly obvious, and Lauren, please explain to me how the republicans are into destroying the economy. BadJUJU, i will debate you all day long, just hit me up son. JXT299, please explain the carter administration then.

  30. Dems run on emotion, while Republicans run on logic.  

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