
Why are Democrats more concerned with...?

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what the rest of the World thinks about America, instead of what is best for America?




  1. im more concerned about the war in iraq, how much its going to be costing the us, how much more itll cost my future, and how much more we will need to depend on china to cover the cost

  2. Democrats want to FEEL GOOD and LOOK GOOD first.

  3. What does your opponent think about you, instead of what is best for you???

    Do you think about me? If yes than vote for Obama 08.

  4. Blah Blah blah-Typical Republican Propaganda. . .

    Don't you people ever get tired of sounding like "Jethro", ya know that guy with a 6th grade education??

  5. I'm not often at a loss for words, but for once I can't answer a question. I have no idea.

    I think the signs held up during the RNC were brilliant, "America First". America, not party as it is with the democrats, not Germany or France, but America First. That attitude alone really defines our differences.  

  6. Why are Republicans concerned with global economy?

    Same reason it's a small world and we are all linked together.

    However, recognizing this link does not mean Democrats are not concerned with the US.  Democrats just are not as myopic as Republicans.

  7. We are concerned with  both because Bush has trashed his country and the respect we use to have from other countries.

  8. cause their democRATS

  9. This is too funny!  Its Bush who got us in a war right now and got

    his nose in Russian and China affears.

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