
Why are Dems so afraid of Sarah Palin?

by Guest56178  |  earlier

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is it because she is a intelligent,honest,and tough,The press is doing everything but forming a lynch mob,




  1. After the way they robbed Hillary out of the nomination, the Democrats now realize they are the wrong side of the women's rights issue.

  2. Thanks for asking. She is tough,intelligent,honest and a family lady.  I am very proud to know her!

  3. girls this is the woman to get behind until Hillary in 2012

  4. She is HOT

  5. "intelligent,honest,and tough"   HUH???

    I am afraid of her. Besides, she's a criminal!

    Palin is insulting. she is unqualified, has a pregnant 17 year-old ( I only use this as Palin is the one who will not let them teach s*x education and look what happened to her daughter. Perhaps mom forgot to teach her about the birds and the bees)

    In 1993, Sarah Palin used a drift gillnet to harvest salmon from the Bristol Bay

    area without an annual permit. Palin plead guilty to the Criminal Negligence

    charge. Palin also had a case dismissed where she was charged with fishing

    without a photo ID. The case was filed 6/28/93 and was disposed 8/25/1993. The

    jurisdiction was the Third Judicial District-Dillingham. [Alaska Criminal

    History Records, Case # 3DI-93-00249CR0001; Alaska Criminal History Records,

    Case # 3DI-93-00217CR0001]

    In her 2002 Lt. Governor bid, Mayor Palin used city employees, telephones,computers, fax machines for campaign fundraising and literature. On her candidate registration form, she used her City Hall fax number, and her mayoral e-mail address. Records show that Wasilla city property was used to contact supporters, donors, media contacts, and media purchasing. [Anchorage Daily News, 7/21/06] (isn't this a violation of the election laws?),

    Palin Exaggerated Work Experience for Mayoral Campaign. In 1997, Frontiersman columnist Paul Stuart wrote that after Palin had criticized her opponent for using City Hall resources for political gain, "when Palin was asked back then (by me) why the lodge where she claimed, in her campaign, to have gained her management experience, had no record of a borough business license or of paying

    any bed tax, she paused and said it might have been because the place had no clients for a year or so." In an article describing the possibility of recalling Palin, the Frontiersman wrote the "reasons include Palin's alleged falsification of her credentials during the campaign last fall." [Frontiersman, 1/22/97,

    Frontiersman Editorial Said Palin Made Statements That Were "Patently Untrue," Said She Had Shown "Unrepentant Backpedaling and Incessant Whining." A Frontiersman editorial wrote, "Wasilla residents have been subjected to attempts

    to unlawfully appoint council members, statements that have been shown to be patently untrue, unrepentant backpedaling, and incessant whining that her only enemies are the press and a few disgruntled supporters of former Mayor John Stein." [Frontiersman editorial, 2/7/97]

    Frontiersman Editorial: Palin Doesn't Grasp the Truth. A Frontiersman editorial wrote, "Mayor Palin fails to have a firm grasp of something very simple: the truth." [Frontiersman editorial, 2/7/97]

  6. The Democrats aren't afraid of Palin. She is the best thing to happen to them in this entire campaign. The Republicans' misguided decision to add her to the ticket has assured Obama will win by a landslide in November.

  7. Obama is fake, Sarah Palin is real.

  8. Same reason they were afraid of Clarence Thomas-can't have a minority elected or appointed who does'nt toe the liberal line.  She's a true feminist who does not buy into the left's view of women.  Thats a threat to them and they will have to admit that while they espouse "womens rights" what they really mean is "Liberal women's rights."

  9. Palin is only getting so much unflattering press because her past is yielding unflattering stories.  Why would Dems be afraid of a scandal ridden VP candidate?

    This is what you get when you pick a barely vetted unknown.

  10. We are not, she's a walking punch-line, she's a living example of the Republican's bias for ideology over competency or qualifications (see Monica Goodling) it's wonderful that she has been added to the ticket.  I can't wait for the ethicsinvestigationn of which she is the subject to announce their results, in OCTOBER.

  11. Not afraid at all!  We are tickled that McCains attempt to salvage the election ended with such an easy candidate to pick apart.  If he had let Obama's staff pick for him they would have choosen Palin.

  12. That's right ... scandal before substance!  A Pregnant teen keeps her child and decides to marry the father!  How very news worthy.

  13. Not afraid. Ever! More like amused.

  14. I'd say you should get your facts right

  15. Wake up!! She's the manager of a Popsicle Stand.  She's not in any way qualified to potentially be POTUS. she was elected mayor of Wasilla because she was famous for being in a beauty pageant. Her whole career is because she looked good in a bathing suit. she was elected governor for the same reason. Name recognition,as a beauty pageant contestant. You can't be serious? Or the Kool aide has got to you.

  16. THis is the dumbest question that keeps being asked

    she is a gift to the Dems.

    the Repub. platform of experience and their arguments against Obama just got flushed

    Not to mention Their Family value Christian right platform

  17. Because she is a self made woman who got where she is by not demand it be handed to her like the libs do.

    This is a complete replay of what the libs did to Clarence Thomas, and it will back fire on them big time.

    PS - They are scared s**+tless!

  18. What do democrats have to be scared of Palin for? I don't see fear, what I see is everyone as a whole (republicans included) trying to find out more information about her. Even if it means for info on her family history to be leaked out.

    So she was a sports reporter for a local news station in the what. And she hunts....she just loves the great outdoors.....and she loves children.....she has 5 of her own!

    She has her own views and beliefs just as any individual!

    She is human...I commend her actually because she is a mother first.....Governor of Alaska......and loves the great outdoors. How many of you can say you spent 20 minutes in the wilderness???...........go ahead I am waiting.........I have all day...........just about a handful because if you spent time outdoors we wouldn't be indoors wasting time on the net posting dumb a$$ questions on who is scared of who, or why is Palins daughter having a baby or why is Obama saying he wants change but is inexperienced or Obama can't be President because he is black!

    Again we are not scared of her, those people who are ignorant are scared of Palin!

  19. Maybe they see she will snatch this election away from Obama. The press are a bunch of low lifes but all it will take is one slip up for Obama and they will turn on him, they're trying to sell ad space.

  20. Because she is the REAL change, and they know it.  If she was a liberal, then they would be praising her.  That's okay all that are doing is pi**** off the largest voting block in America, the middle class moderate/conservative woman.  Even Geraldine Ferraro has changed her  mind about who she is voting for because of the treatment of this woman.  Don't worry, she can hold her own, and is one tough lady.  You don't want to get on her bad side, or she will come after you, a fellow Alaskan said on the radio yesterday.  They are scared of a strong, smart, accomplished, conservative woman!!!!

  21. Not afraid

    But give her credit where it's due, she is fresh & popular at the moment and has reversed media coverage in McCains favor. She's a spirited refreshment from McCain who often appears disinterested and almost boring.  

    I think her speech tomorrow will be her climax (I don't mean what your thinking) and from there on her popularity will slowly subside.

    She should give a good speech tomorrow, not the Hillary brilliance, but pretty good. It'll be interesting in what's she got to say.

  22. Scared of who? Her?

    Palin is as tough, honest, and intelligent as a Saturday-morning soccer mom with the minivan full of out-of-control kids.

    The only way she scares me is when she's driving and talking on her cell-phone at the same time.

  23. Yes, it is because she has a strong stance and knows herself well.  They simply cannot handle the fact that she is all this and not a liberal.

  24. No, it is because no one, except Alaskans, seems to know anything about where she stands on the issues.  She even stated herself that she had not thought much about the war in Iraq.  I think we need someone who has thought about such things just in case something happens to McCain, if he were President.  

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