
Why are Dems so critical about Palin, after all Obama attended a racist Church for 20 YEARS?, what gives?

by Guest65425  |  earlier

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  1. I guess your the one defining what a racist church is, but in reality it is a church with a pastor who one a couple of occasions has said racist things.  An example of an actual racist church would be the Mormon Church before 1964, when Mitt Romney was a member, and the church did not consider African Americans to be human beings.

  2. Why are you calling Christians racists? Do you hate Jesus?

  3. What does his church have to do with government?

  4. Because She is running with a Republican. Now if she were beside Obama she would be the Angel of the World. it is tearing them up!!

  5. They are mad that they just got beat.

  6. Anyone with any "common sense" knows that you do not attend a black racist (numerous speeches-not sound bites, that's spin) militant church and not espowse to the beliefs of the pycho Pastor. You can't fool America. The same Pastor who said G.D. America, and hates America.

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