
Why are Dr. Jello's answers private?

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When you click on the "1482 best answers" (so far) link under his name at the top of this form, they are all hidden. What is he hiding?




  1. I sense a conspiracy..... what does Mr. Hide....err Dr. Jello do for a living. Where does he get his questions and answers from. Perhaps they are plagerized, borrowed...or some sick conglomerate of people using the same Suedonym.

    Tune in tomorrow when you will see Obama say.....

    Dr. Jello is not the man I knew.

  2. 'It' is most likely a "sock puppet" of the oil companies.  The so called 'best answers' seem to be achieved by "gaming" for points in some very obscure category, where there are some other of "Dr. Jello's" multiple accounts residing. The 'guy' is a fraud, and an embarrassment to YA!    

    Some day 'it' will just disappear! [I can only hope!]

  3. I don't know what percentage of Yahoo participants keep their info private, but it's an option he has and he's utilizing it.  It is disappointing that he choses not to be accountable.  It is a form of arrogance, in his case, since he is obviously pursuing the top slot in all of the environment categories.  Greedy little devil, but that's the way he seems to want to be.

  4. His tactics aren't so subtle either... he has a small stock pat answers that he trots out as needed - copy and paste stuff. Much of it isn't exactly wrong but usually very misleading.

    My question was who is he in cahoots with (seeding questions for him to rack up points, giving him best answer etc)? There are some who tend to show up in the same place with the same sort of repetitive poor science answers (you know who I mean) but I think they are just misguided not malevolent, Satan-in-disguise Dr. Jello!!!

    Still, everyone has the right to their privacy and he is exercising it - just dulls the game a bit!

  5. never heard of him. (found him);_ylt...

    (he's locked out contacts.... definitely hiding and too self proclaimed......... very fishy indeed)

    email me

    the tools are available if you know where to look.

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