
Why are English/British people loyal to the Crown?

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So why are British loyal to the Crown/Queen/King of England?

Please give valid and a detailed explanation in your anwser,

for example don't just give something like:

*Well because I was told to like the queen.

*Well because that's the way it is.

*Well because that's the way the culture is.

In order to fully answer my question, provide at Least a paragraph or two.

Short, vague answers will not be considered for best answer to the question.

Here is what I am looking for:

1) Detailed Explanation why you like the Crown (King/Queen/Prince, ect.)

2) The Reason why (and remember this reason cannot be vague to qualify for best answer)

3) Any other details you would like to provide.




  1. You realise alot of us see them as a tax stealing family, right?

    The majority of us aren't royalists. its law and tradition that keep them there.

  2. Good question. I wonder too. But loyal to your country is not the same as loyal to the queen.

  3. The monarch(who wears the "Crown") is the head of state so we are being loyal to not only the Queen/King but our country and it's people!

    Kind regards


  4. Not all of us are sycophant royalists, an increasing number of us see the monarchy as massively corrupt,  whose greed is legendary and who make this country a laughing stock around the world

  5. the queen has no power over law making the only thing she has say in is the church of england

  6. First of all nowhere near all English/British people are Royalists, in fact only about 50% of the British public are in favour of the Monarchy.

    Those who are loyal are probably loyal partly due to reasons of patriotism, in the same way Americans are loyal to their country, some British people are loyal to their King/Queen.

    I'm not a Royalist and so cannot fully answer your question as other than the above I can't understand why people would feel that way.

  7. Don't confuse English & British please.  When you say British you could mean English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish.

    Anyway, who said we were all loyal to the crown?  They are a bunch of parasites.  I don't see why I should have to knock myself out at a c**p job just to keep them in their privileged position?  They should get real jobs like the rest of the population, not silly little made up ones for which they've never had to sit an interview.  The only Royals I like actually are Princess Anne & Prince Andrew.  The rest are disposable.  Just goes to show you the most wealthiest familes can be the most disfuncitonal of all.

    BTW - her correct title for the Queen is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth (II in England I in Scotland) of the United Kingdom & the Commonwealth, not Queen of England.

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