
Why are European leaders suddenly so optimistic about relations with USA?

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As usual President Bush is delusional about the real reason for their optimism. He thinks its because they embrace his cataclysmic policies reminiscent of the 4 horsemen. But in actuality...what do you think is the real reason these europeans leaders see hope in dealings with USA?




  1. they're hoping to get a clueless black president in there they can c**p on without consequence.

  2. What makes you think Bush is wrong?

    I think they are starting to realize that he is correct and always has been.

  3. 2012 is upon us.

  4. It is looking as if the Euro and the Amero are a done deal and they don't have to deal with him fighting against it.  Both Obama and McCain are for it.

  5. They know Bush is on the way out.

  6. They hold onto the hope that Sen. Obama will be elected and we will after eight long years of disaster, train wreck, mismanagement, malfeasance, scandal, and theft have REAL PRESIDENT instead of the murderous little cretin Bush.

  7. Because they would love a left wing liberal socialist like Obama in the White House. He would be open to any of their requests for monies and for anything they may want.

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