
Why are Finnish people against M&A?

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Why do so many Finnish people so strongly oppose M&A in industry and welfare? Is it because they fear the loss of jobs in the market?




  1. I answered this question yesterday, but apparently did not submit it as it is not here... here I go again:

    A small country with dying countryside and ever-emptying north does not welcome the idea of giants who only concentrate on the more populated areas. Entrepreneurism is valued in Finland . The small or average size companies are vital in keeping areas alive: without the jobs and the services they provide the areas will literally die. People can see this happening around them and are not willing to give it all up for the big and the cheap.

    Finland is a country twice the size of the UK, with population of 5 million (spread all over the place -for now at least). This structure does not allow much concentrated business, without compromising things like natures, local cultures and small villages well being which we Finns rather like and try to respect. Small place over all and the the tiny communities inside Finland can not suffer much mega here and giga there. Finland is only a miniature village compared to many other countries- we must act against the trend in order to survive.

  2. Mene pois perkele, taalla puhu jaakiekko. (Go away ****, here we speak hockey)

  3. Bobby Orr was the greatest.

  4. Is that something like S&M?

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