
Why are Footballers Paid So Much?

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What do they actaully do that is more important, than a nurse or a fireman??

Can someone please tell me?




  1. at the same time i agree and dont agree at first i agree that they get payed so they would stay at the team and i dont agree cause they just get payed for playing soccer and like shevchencko doesnt play but still gets payed to stay at the team

  2. Trust me only big time footballers get paid lots and lots of money!

    Because they are all the entertainment, player tht play for a wack league or maybe 3rd division are not that rich!  

  3. millions of people don't pay  to watch a fireman get a cat out of a tree

  4. sum football players play 4 the team as an honour!!!!

    but the main reason s if u dnt giv lts of money 2 players they wldnt play 4 ur team so there wldn't gt the best player!!!! most of the players play 4 money nt 4 the team!!!!

  5. they aren't paid as much as most american  athletes in other sports the us like tiger woods the most paid athlete in the world and is in a less than demanding sport

  6. because entertainment makes money, and they are the entertainers for the 3.5 billion people that watch football, especially during the WC, but if you equate there earning to other sports stars they really don't make that much. The max earner in football makes less then an above average baseball player. Almost all american sports, the players make more then footballers do

  7. thats the entertainment industry for you :)

  8. supply and demand if we could all do what they do they wouldn't pay that much

  9. They have a special skill (well, some do) and their careers are potentially short lived, And face it when Shrek, I mean Rooney is too old, hes not going to be able to become anything else is he. I would be surprised if him or his ditzy t**t missus can even spell their names. God help any offspring, Her looks his brains, kids stuffed. His looks, her brains, kid stuffed! The Premiership players are paid too much and the amateurs, far too little. They need to spread the wealth around the entire game, not just the popular clubs.

  10. It is immoral how much many footballers are paid. Wages in excess of £100,000 per week are ridiculous at any time but especially so during a period of financial strife.However, the laws of supply and demand allow for this to happen for you only have to compare footballers such as Ronaldo, Rooney. Terry etc with film stars and you can appreciate why it happens. Of course some people in our society deserve higher wages than footballers but we have allowed it to happen by supporting teams by paying huge entrance fees and watching them on TV. If gates fall appreciably and people stop watching football on TV then  possibly things may change.

  11. because if the players didnt get it,the clowns in the suits would get it,me id rather the players get it.

  12. I think eitansp needs to get ouy more...if he honestly thinks that footballers are entertainers and deserve the money they earn things must be seriously wrong.Does he honestly think someone should be paid £20,000-£100,000 a week for 90minutes work a week?if so things are very wrong with the world.......

  13. who is putting the ball in the back of the net?

  14. Because the footballers are putting the ball in the back of the net.

  15. I think Marlon needs to check the paycheques out some european footballers dwarf the american cousins.

    It is overpaid money pot sport now, i remember the good old days, now football is for mugs, g**s and women.

    The premier league is full of imported 2nd rate players trust me, the sport is now about conditioning and defensive tactics - exciting.

  16. Good question,they make people happy.

  17. Well to answer your question. it's because its the most popular sport in the world. so many people are interested in it so it brings in more revenue and since there is so much money all they can do with it is pay the people that actually make it worth while. That's why they are paid so much!

  18. That's the world we're living in. Not everyone gets paid soo much. To answer your question, I'll just tell you to forget about football and focus on other things.

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