
Why are Greeks and Arabs so similar to each other ?

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They both look similar, act similar, and live in similar countries ? Dont you think thats great.

Greeks & Arabs = Brothers/Sisters forever :)

May Allah bless you all.




  1. Greeks and Arabs dont look alike, their culture is very different also.

  2. Are kidding me now

    Greeks have nothing to do with arabs

    STOP say that bullshits b   i    t    c   h

    God bless u

  3. Greeks are more European and i like Greeks more. They only look like Turks a little bit...

  4. they are not

    But i wish we had the money of the Arabs,lol!

    btw if you were an Arab you should have asked :

    "we both look..." and not "they both look..."

    so dear Skopjian,please get laid....

    you need it...

    edit to the greeting the looser: !

    you have clearly proved us how much you hate Greece.don't worry...

    Greeks are not n***s.greeks help jews a lot during ww2.

    ps=ask sarkozy

  5. We don't have to be genious to understand what is going on here!!! :) You amuse me a lot, thank you for that!!!They only thing l don't like is that you curse all the time....( May Allah bless us all)  ...oh please... leave religion out of this!!!!!Feel free to try irritate us( something that you cannot achieve by the way)  but...give yourself a limit!!! πᾶν μέτρον ἄριστον ( English: all in good measure)

  6. I think people need a lesson in geography.  Greeks, spaniards, turks, and the french of southern europe along with the arabs that dwell in North africa are all meditteranean people.  It is not a surprise that they all have similar features with each other. We all have similar foods, the music, etc.  It is a stereotype that people think that arabs all look dark and resemble binladden.  I am a meditteranean man and am also an arab from north africa. I am very light complected.  Growing up, people have always thought I was Italian or Greek.  Even my last name sounds Italian. The reason people find it hard to believe I am arab is because society in America is brain washed by stereotyping different races of people of having a certain look (especially Arabs).  History is tricky, many races are closer to eachother than you think.  Such is an example of the mediterranean people.  When I think caucasion, I think of caucasion, I think of the Northern Europeans. I classify meditteranean people as myself as not caucasion, simply because we really don't look anglo.  That includes the Greeks, Spaniards, Italians, and so on.

  7. Hmm ok lemme think, culturally they are similar u say? Actually not very much as far as Ive experienced but there are 2 very obvious similarities.

    1. Anti semitism: they both hate Jews very much but Arabs dont try to hide it (tho their anti semitic views are the consequence of their own actions since they sold Turks to Brits and sold their lands in today's Israel to Jews and voila they got a lovely Jewish state on their laps)

    2. They both were ruled by, us, Turks for hundreds of years.

    EDIT: A user, named Citizen of the world sent me an email but since he doesnt allow emails to be sent to him I could not reply him back. Well I only recommend him to read this link and find out if Greeks are anti semitic or not

    Also I recommend him to find out what happened to the VERY LARGE Jewish community in the then independent Greece (some islands plus Peloponnesos). Anyway before he goes and tries to find it out -if he already doesnt know- I'll let him know. All who could not flee were murdered only coz they were Jews.

  8. I haven't noticed that.

    I'm sure your intention was to offend Greeks, but if they're smart they won't give you that pleasure. You and other trolls have been asking that kind of questions in Turkish section as well, claiming that Turks are Arabs etc. You aren't impressing anyone.

  9. I'm greek and I always get mistaken for being arab because of dark hair, dark skin, and big dark eyes. even my last name gets people confused, even tho its greek.

    Not all greeks look like arabs, but there are some that do.

    What can I say, greeks, arabs, mediterranean, we're all beautiful people :) hehehe





  11. So why is it, that here in New Zealand people tell me how Greek I look? And does the woman who's picture you are using know what you are doing?

  12. Well,  people from Kuwait and Dubai are Arabs, I've been there,  I know many from there and I do not see any similarity.   Since you think we look like them just tell us why. What makes you think this would be irritating?  If we were brothers (with the Arabs,  not you) it would not be a problem, if it were true.  But you see it isn't and we do have an identity,  a history and ancestors to be proud of.  What about you?

    Also for Ab_  if it is as bad as you describe it move out from Greece and don't come back.    And also,  yes, nothing is perfect here however I do not see anyone trying to go to Albania, Bulgaria, Romania etc  to work and live.  I have nothing against them but it is difficult times and we all go through them.  Not only foreigners and not only in Greece. (I work with people from many nationalities, the ones mentioned above included.  Some good,  some bad people.  I do not go to their country and disrespect them though)

  13. We also have oil.

  14. Maybe because you are only seeing Greeks that are just like you.  When I think of Greece, I don't think of Arabs, and when I think of Arabs I don't think of Greece, and I thought Arabs lived in many lands, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say both groups  live in similar countries.  Greece is nothing like Syria, hardly like Iraq or Iran.  Greece is probably more similar to Lebanon than any other middle eastern country and Lebanon is still striving to be  multicultural.  So I don't quite get your question.

    May God Bless You.

  15. Obviously, you haven't seen either...

  16. Arabs are brown with black curly hair, hooked noses, round eyes and big lips, small oval face.

    Greeks are white with dark straight hair, straight noses, almond shaped eyes and strong jaws.

    We look nothing alike!!

  17. I'm Greek and I'm also blond hair eyebrows and all. My ancestors too. And I'm not the only one.There are no similarities as far as I can see. But Greece and Arab countries are bonded with friendly relations politically and socially and we have a great respect for them for their suffering and their remarkable ancient culture.

  18. They are only similar, but not the same !

  19. what? lol..

    greeks have white skin (look at all the greek beaches people tan cuz they have pale skin)....arabs have brown/tanned skin (lucky you...dont be jealous :P)...our cultures are very different...greeks are christians...they have always been..anyways...everybody knows arabs and greeks are totally different sweety have a nice day/

  20. omg hahaa NO we dont look similar!! We are Southern European, we look Similar  to other Southern Europeans like Italians and Spaniards. Our country also is more similar to Southern European ones than Middle Eastern. Your question is as stupid as the one you posted yesterday saying Arabs will conquer Europe and turn it into an Islamic nation. LOL!  You and your stupid questions are making all the Arabs look  bad. Stop pretending to be 'friendly' because we all know you are nothing but a troll that wants to annoy people. I say you are boring me, and get a life !!

  21. Shake your head a little so any left over brain cells would fall in place!!!!!!  Zoltan what is a sharmouta??Yia sou.

  22. hmm i have been wondering the same thing...they do look similar you know olive skin dark hair dark eyes ....who knows they might be the long lost sister and brothers of arabs ;)


  23. Greeks are European and not Semetic like Arabs. DNA tests have proven that we are most similar to Italians, French and Spaniards. You can google it up and see.

    Culturally speaking, Greece shares many things in common with Mediteranean countries, the Balkans, Turks and Eastern Europe. Greek culture is a mix of all those things.

    Countries are not very similar. For one thing, Greece doesnt have deserts. Its 80% mountainous, 50% forests, and 20% Islands.

    Also Greece is far more Western than Arab countries. For example: Prostitution here is legal, same s*x unions are now allowed in Rhodes, we have Mr Greece pageants, g*y parades, nude beaches, our birthrate is 1,35 children, our divorce rate is 21%, and female College graduates is higher than men.

  24. Did I tell you lately how beautiful blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes you have!!! ("the better to see me" I guess LOL)

    May Jesus bless you and all your compatriots


  25. They don't have anything in common accept  the fact that they enjoy similar kind of lively pop music and some food that is actually carried along by Ottoman cuisine. Of course, the American culture effected us all: Arabs, Turks and Greeks as well as a lot of other countries.

    You must be quite illiterate to think that they are similar.

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