Compared to everyone else, Harley riders seem to call people Rich Urban Bikers(RUBs) and posers, yet I never heard a sportbike rider calling another sportbike rider a RUB because that guy owns a very expensive sportbike yet hardly rides it. I don't see metric cruiser riders calling other metric cruiser riders RUBs or a poser.
I don't even see people driving certain cars calling people Rich Urban Driver's because the have some fancy car that they only drive on the weekend. I don't see any car drivers calling each other posers.
So what is with the holier-than-thou attitude these so called "real bikers" with the Harley's have with the rest of the world who own motorcycles? Not only are they disrespecting others in the motorcyclist community, they don't realize that RUB with the brand new Harley Davidson in the garage make up millions of Harley owners who keep Harley Davidson in business.
I don't think Willi G. Davidson is complaining about all them RUBs and posers.