
Why are Henry VIII and ELizabeth called Rex?

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Why are Henry VIII and ELizabeth called Rex?




  1. Rex is the Latin word for "king" and Regina is the Latin word for "queen." Therefore, Henry VIII was Rex Henry, while Elizabeth I was Regina Elizabeth.

    Note: Queen Elizabeth signed her legal documents with the initials "R.E."

  2. Hi,

    Latin was used throghout Europe at that time and Rex in Latin means King.



  3. Henry VIII was called Rex not Queen Elizabeth. Rex means King in Latin while Queen Elizabeth was called Regina which means Queen in Latin. All Kings and Queens signed Rex or Regina after their names and the current Queen still does so too.

  4. Rex is the Latin word fo rking.  Any king can sign himself , e. g., George R., for Rex.  The feminine form is Regina, and a reigning queen signs herself Elizabeth R. for the same reason.

  5. Hnery VIII would have been called Rex, which means King in Latin.  Elizabeth was called Regina, which means queen in Latin.  Latin was a language used by all educated people in those days, even some books were still written in Latin at that time.

  6. Henry VIII was a king and Rex was latin for 'king.' Elizabeth I was called rex because she was known as the "virgin queen.'

  7. The other answers are right, but it is Henry VIII Rex and Elizabeth II Regina

    In Latin they follow.

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