
Why are Hillary always talking about thing's that do not matter to American people.?

by Guest45311  |  earlier

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Why are Hillary always talking about thing's that do not matter to American people.?




  1. She's is talking the same story as Obama, so are you going to include him in this too?

  2. She's been out of touch with reality for so long, she has no clue what matters.  She can only depend on a scripted speech to know what to say, and when to say it.

  3. The same reason Obama says he'll change things, but never says what he'll change. I wouldn't vote for either of them, nor do I trust Juan McCain.....


  4. I wonder why she is talking at all.

  5. Hater.  We don't need this kind of low discussion.  Keep the political debate on a high road.

  6. Maybe she has no clue what do matter to American people?

  7. First off... proof read what you write prior to sending...

    It's a well known fact, that both her and Obama are so out of touch with what's going on in the world today.

  8. Different things matter to different people:  to you it might matter that the foreign relations get imnproved, to me it matters that the economy gets rescued and to someone else it matters that he/she wants health she is talking about things that matter to American people.....

  9. Because she's trying to get elected, and Obama beats her on the issues. She may know more about the issues, but Obama uses it against her. He is for change, not more of the same. Voters are tired of what we have, they want change. All Hillary has to do to beat him is discredit him.

  10. hillary is on her last leg,she is tearing up the democratic party.she needs to withdrawl,support obama and get her fat *** in a gym.obamas the man

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