
Why are Hillary and Bill now supporting Obama when just last week Hillary still called Obama her opponent?

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Lest we forget...

Hillary called Obama her opponent just LAST WEEK:

Clinton takes a subtle jab at Obama:

And now we are expected to believe that these two are really behind Obama for him to become POTUS?

How hypocritical can politicians GET?




  1. They are now supporting Obama because--and this may come as a shock--they realized they lost.


  2. Politics is about attaining and keeping power.  If it were about anything resembling principles, the Clintons would continue to oppose Obama.  Since their aim is not principles but power, the prudent thing to do was to support the winner once it was clear that they could not achieve power in this go around.  Make no mistake though, they are acting in such a way as to increase their influence.

    I don't think that it is hypocritical.  It's just that most people don't understand the true goals of politicians.  They act in consistent self-serving ways.

  3. You're REALLY reaching now. They were opponents, just like bill Clinton was president.

    It's a curiosity of the English language, a nuance. Smart people understand nuance, Neocons have to look the word up.

  4. You seem to forget when Bush and McCain were enemies? is only bad when dems do it though, right?

  5. The Clinton's have future aspirations.  To go against the party line would have been political suicide, so they toed the line for their own benefit.  To think that Richardson, Biden, Lieberman, Bill and Hillary Clinton, James Corville, and Lanny Davis, all prominent democrats have been telling us for 8 months that Obama has no experience and now they all are saying, no, no, really he is ready now.  He has all the experience needed to be President is ridiculous and shows how desperate the party is to win.

  6. Because she finally realized if they want things to go even remotely the way they wanted it too, they need to support Obama and unite the Democrats.

    However, it is a little late in the game now.

  7. Same party, Same Jew AIPAC member.

  8. It's called politics, and of course you're going to say whatever you can about your opponent/rival.  But you can still be friends and you may in fact support and believe in alot of the same things.

    Loose comparison - Sean Johsnon and Nastia whatever her last name is escapes me.  Room mates, friends and of course each one wanted the gold and was going to do whatever it took to beat out ALL the competition.

  9. Why did they stay married? same reason to get elected in the future.

  10. Last week they were opponents.  Obama did not officially win the nomination until last night.  

  11. The are trying to stay in the party's good graces so Hillary can make another run in 2012 against McCain..

  12. Weren't Bush & McCain enemies when they ran against each other?  It's politics.

  13. They HAD to do that to remain in favor with the party.   Nobody ever said they had to be sincere, or even like doing it.  When Obama is defeated in November, or is a failure after four years, Hillary will be the presumptive front-runner in '12.

  14. All politicians are hypocritical, with Obama at the top of the list.  Wright was his mentor, like a father for 20 years.....but as soon as election time comes, he no longer agrees with the guy, his views are suddenly different.  All his associations and supporters (extreme left) that got him to where he is are being hung out to dry now that he's running for president.  

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