
Why are Hindus called communal and christians potrayed as secular in India? ?

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Christians killed a Hindu priest in Orissa and are now playing the victim card when violence broke out.

The leader of the ruling party UPA is a Roman Catholic Sonia Gandhi who even issued Indian currency with the Christian Cross on it. First time in the history of the Nation a religious symbol made it to the National currency of "secular" India. Has the Inquisition begun in India and nobody is expecting it?

Christians play the victim claiming their minority status, but are really the instigators of violence.




  1. Christianity is not traditional religion in India, but, a ´´missionary one and also, ´´established ´´ by colonists.

    I wish, they back off of any country, where they they are trying to convert the locals.

    Also, secular, because, India has OWN gods, so, the christian one is invalid there

  2. May be due to ignorance .

  3. This is due to colonial mind set.

    we take pride in proving invaders culture superior so as to prove that we are seculars.

    I shall let you know a truth

    Whenever Hindus victimised by Islamic Terror has approached our governments the seculars brand them communal.

    But when a Muslim is victim they announce huge compensation

    This is happening since 1947

  4. I Deeply Saddened by the News of Swami Laxamanananda Saraswati Death and I hope those who did this are brought to Justice. However I will say this Hindus Extremists are killing Christians in India and destroying Christian Church's I hope those responsible will be stopped and brought to Justice too. And No there is No Inquisition in India!.

    ''Nobody wants your crocodile tears sweetie! You people are the biggest liars! I wonder whether you worship God or the Devil! Perhaps they both serve Christianity like the good cop, bad cop/carrot and stick. Does that make it a valid path of god. To first create trouble and then appear as the messiah. That is abuse of trust in my book.''

    Your Rant is Nonsensical with Lynch mob mentality in thinking and not even Valid or Worthy of a decent reply!.

  5. you are thinking only about a priest being killed, from centuries onwards millions of hindus were killed by muslim rulers, see in kashmire lakhs of kashmir pandits were killed and no one spoke a word on it. The problem with hindus is they are more patient and maintains restraint otherwise there was no way islam or christianity could survive in this country.. you know what     1 million britisthers in india could rule 33 crore hindus, why bcoz we are not offenders and peace is our priority taken advantage by expoloiters.    it seems things are chaning for a good reason,  though it is unethical but some more killings of christians should happen then only they will take a back step. We hindus dont have support from other countries ..where as christians YES, one nun is killed and POPE also responded.  

    Christians in India should realise they fact that most of them (almost all of them) are converted christians who converted for the sake of money and jobs and life.     We really need to salute those hindus and kashmiri pandits who sacrifised their lives but dint leave hinduism.

    These indian christians, they really feel they original chritians, they after conversion started pointing fingures at hinduism and started encouraging conversions ...they are sold out and are making others to be sold out...christian missioners yeah they do help poor, but they want all of them to convert to christians,,,go and see the culture in any missionery schools  you dont find any Indianness in those pupil, gals are ecouraged to wear skirts to upto thelevel of panties. no bindis no bangles etc etc....

    when government is from minority community    (it would be ok if they are really maintining ethics ) but disturbing the lifes and standerd of values of hindus and our country which is a hindu country...

    government of india and state governments     worst then prostitutes who sell their bodies to run t heir families these government and politicians wants votes so that they can win and earn lots of money..they dont mind making their mothers to sleep with dogs and pigs to get an vote. so no surprise if they encourage all the **** happening on the name of democrasy.

    hindus should come together and work together, no agianst the other religions but to safe guard their own value and culture and country.

  6. there next excuse be tht Muslims killed him..

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