
Why are Ipod headphones expensive?

by Guest56680  |  earlier

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Well, I'm debating whether to get a regular headphone for 10 bucks or these ipod head phones for freakin $30!!! Why is that expensive? Do these ipod headphones last really long or something? Is the sound quality better?




  1. the quality is alot higher

    if you go out and get a pair of those colorful cheap headphones the bass wont be a predominate

    + as long as you take care of them they will always always work

    on the contrary the cheapies will stop working wether you take care of them or not

  2. Well, Apple tends to make its products somewhat expensive, however they are VERY good quality. Usually if you get a cheap set of headphones, they will break down very quickly and usually have poor sound quality.

    Apple brand earbuds have good sound quality and last for a very long time. I have a pair that has lasted me 5 years and they still sound as perfect as the day I got them.

    Hope this helps!

  3. ipod headphones are better sound quality plus they are the only headphones you can put in an ipod.

  4. why do nike cost more than foot joy. same reason just paying for the name

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