
Why are Irish people on this site always getting worked up by people saying Ireland?

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This whole there is no Southern Ireland its called the Republic of Ireland drivel... honestly pedantic or what??




  1. Sure I understand where you are coming from but there are a couple of points worth making. The state formerly known as Eire no longer exists as from the signing of the Anglo Irish agreement. The state of the Republic of Ireland no longer lays a claim on the northern six counties - that's a fact endorsed by the Dail, not my opinion. Therefore the constitution was changed and was argued in the dail last month that the state formerly known as Eire no lnger exists - this was argued by Sinn Fein members.

    Ireland - to be pedantic - is an island and has on it two seperate countries, the republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Therefore it is wrong to refer to the republic as just Ireland as Ireland includes the northern six counties...

    Now then - none of this is my opinion but put it like this how would the people of the Republic like to be referred to as being part of England? You wouldn't would you? So - when people refer to Ireland  when they actually mean the Republic how do you think the people of the occupied territories feel?

    Anyway - as I said at the start of this - Dail Eireann signed the Anglo-Irish Agreement and have decided legally that there are two seperate countries on the island and have changed the constitution accordingly.

  2. but there is no Southern Ireland, it is the Republic of Ireland, check an atlas, southern Ireland is Waterford,  Cork and Kerry etc!! i don't live there, but I do live in the republic of Ireland, its that simple.

    And your right it is pedantic, so what!

  3. "Southern Ireland" relates the area to the British Northern Ireland, so I think it makes it sound like a region rather than a country.

    I think saying "Ireland" is the best way to refer to the nation.

  4. I don't think it's pedantic.  I mean, it's not the name of the country.  People could just say "Ireland" or "the republic of Ireland".

    According to the constitution, Article 4: "The name of the State is Éire, or, in the English language, Ireland."

  5. Ireland is an island, anyone from there, with the exception of maybe some Dubliners realize that Southern Ireland, The Republic of Ireland and Eire are in fact the same place, "any part of Ireland outside the Northern Ireland border".

    I was born and raised in the border county of Donegal and any idiot with a grasp of geography can tell you that Donegal is the most northerly county on the island, my friends from northern Ireland refered to Donegal as the south as did we, while growing up we maintained a good relationship with fellow Irish people from the "North" and it probably helped that we didn't sweat the small stuff, so, grow up people Ireland as a whole is a thriving place both to live and work and the only difference I see any more in regards to that invisible separation is what currency you use. We are all Irish and I for one am proud of it.

  6. careful

    wars have been fought for less

    ie IRA

  7. It's actually not us Irish. It's what we call plastic paddies pretending they are Irish. I don't care if you call us Ireland, the Republic, the South etc.

    There is one person in particular I think you're talkin about but I won't mention any names!

    I used to live in the North and when I'm talkin to my friends I refer to Northern Ireland as up north and the Republic as down south! Everybody I know does it!!

  8. Its not pedantic to have your country called by its proper name. Its alos a matter of respect to refer to a country by its proper name when you are wishing to engage in conversation with its people. By using the term southern ireland you are just showing your ignorance. Northern ireland is a name given to that part of the world by its captors, just the same as calling a moon colony division 1x.

    The republic of ireland is an independant and soverign state. We fought for our right to be recognised on the world stage and not to wither and die as a crown dominion,  irish men uinfiltrated the british secret and civil service in ireland and turned it into a war that the british could never win. Sorry if we are a bit pedantic about that, why dont you let your next question be  "why havent the jews got over the holocaust yet ?"

  9. Well Southern Ireland is wrong and ambiguous. I wouldn't go on too much about it but it's Ireland (officialy, ROI, Republic of Ireland, independent state) and Northern Ireland (officially, part of the UK). If you say Southern Ireland people might think Cork Kerry and Waterford!

  10. lol

    Seriously I'm not trying to be rude but when I see people on here using words like pedantic I am sure they learned it that day and tried to think of a question just to use that word.  

    Btw, no it's not pedantic to those who don't think it is a small matter I suppose.

  11. How would you feel about your country being called something its not? There has been a lot of trouble in the past about our country and we can finaly call it the Republic of Ireland or even just Ireland. So whats so wrong with wanting to do that?

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