
Why are Irish people so friendly? Why are their social skills are so well developed? How do they do it?

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They seem to be able to make friends with anyone easily, and to get along with anyone.

They have a disarming quality about them; they're so easy to talk to and make you feel at ease.

Is it something about their culture, or their way of life, or how they are raised, their communities, their history, their diet (potatoes!), their geography?

Is it their approach to life?

I'm asking because I'd like to learn how to be more naturally friendly to others too.

Thanks for your answers :)




  1. The Irish are renowned for their hospitality, and have been for years.  I believe a lot of it is in their laid-back approach to life.

    I can't believe some of the answers here. All Irish are drunks, yeah, of course. Just like every American is fat and stupid...

  2. were just friendly people with a great sence of humour....but there is always a lot of nasty ignorant people too! same as everywhere...but weve got more down to earth friendly people than most places!

  3. Not all Irish are like this .... but then not all Irish are heavy drinkers either.

    It's just easy to strike up a conversation with people, that's all.

  4. Personally, I treat others as I would like them to treat me.  I would like to be afforded hospitality in a strange place, so I do that to others.  The Irish way of life is more laid back.  To make a friend, be a friend.  Share with others as you would like them to share with you.  Set an extra place at the table.

  5. its because were not nasty like the rest of the world. We dont care only about money and we treat our visitors with respect. We also eat things other than potatoes, were not in the 1840's anymore!

  6. Alcohol.  And lots of it.

  7. Aww thank you!!

    It's just the way we are raised, especially by our mothers!

    It's probably because we suffered for loads of years and so we're now like tolerant cause it's like ''well we were treated badly and we didn't like it so why should we make others feel the same!''

  8. we're just friendly people who like to talk! does'nt matter who to! to be more friendly smile to everyone its pain free and does'nt cost anything, bet you get lots of smiles back!

  9. ive always wanted to meet an irish person!!!!

  10. I live in Ireland! I've never noticed us being more friendly than anyone else, but we always get a great reception on holidays...

    If you're trying to be more naturally friendly, smile! Ask people questions about themselves, make them the centre of attention, they'll remember you for it. Take an intrest in them and be yourself. I can make friends with loads of people really easily and this is what I do. Yes, the Irish are a very free, easy going people. Adopt this attitude. Over here we do a lot of stuff 'just for the craic'. Craic is Irish for fun. Don't get stressed about things. Relax. Works for me, and I get loads of foreign guys when I'm abroad! ;-)

    As far as I know potatoes are nothing to do with it! And it's defo not our geography. Due to that we're constantly soaked with rain! Email me for more help through my profile.

    ;-) Capaz De Todo xxx♥♥♥x*x

  11. blah, blah. i didnt read the whole thing, and i guess they are friendly because of their open culture.

  12. They never fell for the 'hurry-up and do-it-all-yesterday' crud that the rest of the world fell for, hook, line and sinker - and from which it will never, apparently recover.

    They have that most precious of gifts - time for one another - and time for visitors - and time 'to stand and stare'.

    God Bless them all.

    And may the road rise up to meet you next time you are stoned on guiness!

    otyhee x*x

  13. I've noticed that as people do seem very nice...... but it's not Just irish people....plenty of nice aussies...... i think it depends alot on the person you talk to as well...some people don't want to meet people and have a conversation no matter how friendly you are.......and a few drinks can help too.......not getting blind drunk....just a few so you lose your inhibitions.......hmmmmmm.....just being yourself and smiling can do wonders for breaking down social barriers

  14. its the guinness

  15. When you're drunk, every stranger is a long lost friend or a new lover.

    Top o' the mizzle to ya ma nizzle.

  16. Pals who wrote their word before I do said it all.

  17. We just love everyone and want them to be happy so we smile and talk to them to make them at ease. It costs nothing to be nice and makes us happy too. Possibly good diet helps to make us content.  It could also be a throw back to the time when we were ruled by UK and we felt we had to be friendly and docile or we would be put off our land by our English landlords. Like a dog who has been cowed by his master he tries to please everyone.

  18. What can I say?!

    We're just like that!

    = )

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