
Why are Israeli attacks always displayed in the media as self defense in reaction to Palestinian attacks??!!?

by  |  earlier

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it's like the isrealis are just innocent , peaceful people that are onlt defending themsevles against a bunch of "terrorists".

where in reality it's the palestinians who are hitting at israel because of it's illegal occupation, invasion, and gross violation of palestine!!




  1. Permit me to ask why is Iran supplying Iranian-made Grad Missiles to Hamas and Katushas to the Hezbollah in Lebanon, as well as testing LONG RANGE MISSILES capable of targeting Europe?

  2. Perhaps if the Palestinians would stop shelling Israel, Israel would stop defending itself.

  3. Israel is occupying Palestinian territory, they are building  ILLEGAL settlements, plus they have a blockage on the Palestinians.

    I have said this

    If The Israeli's stop the blockage, leave the occupied territory there will be peace and the rockets will stop

    if the Palestinians stop fighting back, Palestine will be gone

  4. I I haven't heard it that way; What I here its in retaliation to what those so called Palestinians do.

  5. I'm on the Israeli sides.  I think the Palestinians are just jealous of Israeli's power and beautiful country.

  6. Israel is not illegally occupying it. Look on a map it's says clearly Israel it does not say Palestine. The only one's who do believe it are the one's in the middle east stating that they don't belong there. It is self defense. Come on you actually believe that Palestinians aren't innocent? What about all the kids they are teaching to throw rocks and shoot guns at Israeli forces? Yeah I don't think so.

  7. I'm with the PLO on this, the Jews are using Palestine as whipping boys, because of what happened during world war two, and here we are 70 yrs later, still letting them get away with their own type of genocide.


    you are a dreamer bless you?

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