
Why are J.Sainsbury's so bad at making the packaging on their food recyclable?

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I normally shop in Tesco but recently went to Sainsbury's and can really notice the difference.Surely somebody should be told. PS Big up to France. They are so good at making everything to recycle. Food shopping i mean.




  1. Because our stupid government put the responsibilities of the householder to recycle, not the supermarket.  Do we really need two packets on our cereal?

  2. then go live in France and stop moanning .

  3. There is no need for them to be concerned about recycling-

    It is quite simple. People want to save money, or put another way, they want to shop for less; whether it is low cost airline travel, low cost holidays or low cost food, they want to save unnecessary expenditure.

    Now whilst holidays and flights are not daily purchases, food and groceries are. Consequently, that is the big spend, and the one that the supermarkets make their living. If people go to a supermarket, and like the low prices, they are not going to argue for better service or "green" packaging; especially if the argument is countered by charging higher prices for recyclable packaging or "friendly green" carrier bags.

    On the basis of low charges, a supplier can pretty well set his own levels for service, recycling, and downstream pollution, knowing that he will keep his customers as long as he maintains low prices, and has a free car park.

    The smaller town traders need to recognise this situation and whilst also offering a slightly better standard of service, and recyclables, insist that their town administration make better provision for shoppers and their access to the town centre. Maybe even free short term car parks. Now that would really worry Sainsbury!

  4. Hmm, Sainsbury spend a lot of money on packaging.

    And not enough on the food, I feel...


  5. Money and profit. That is the reason why companies do or don't do things. If recyclable materials cost more and so reduce profit they will not use them . Big companies are not concerned with the environment or the welfare of their customers. They might say they are in public but behind the scenes they could not care less. Profit is their only aim .Most of the cheap food lines and reduced articles are of poor quality and not very nice. I buy what I like and suits me no matter what it costs. It is false economy to buy cheap stuff and throw it away as it is not nice .

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