
Why are John McCain's lawyers pressing for dismissal of the lawsuit questioning his citizenship?

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Lawyers for Jon McCain and the Republican Party on Thursday asked a federal judge in San Francisco to dismiss a lawsuit challenging his place on California's Nov4 ballot. The American Independent Party filed the suit against McCain, the GOP and Calif Secretary of State Debra Bowen. This is based on McCain's birth in the Panama Canal Zone.

In a related move the senate tried to pass a resolution adressing this and affirming McCain's citizenship status, but it was blocked by republicans. Why?




  1. Because it is baseless that is why.  If he's not legal then neither is any person that is born to US citizens serving in other countries.  

  2. Source please.

  3. McCain was born to TWO United States citizens on an American military base in Panama. There is no question about his citizenship. Maybe you should research your own "question" a bit more before you waste 5 points for no reason.

  4. Apparently there are several reasons:

    They say Markham Robinson (who wanted to get Alan Keyes on the ballot instead of McCain) doesn't have the authority to file this type of lawsuit

    It's unconstitutional because the person who filed suit cannot be harmed in any way by McCain's candidacy

    They feel it's a waste of time, and they tried to explain to Marham that even if McCain was removed from the ballot, that wouldn't put Keyes on the ballot, and also if Keyes were the nominee he couldn't possibly beat Obama anyway

    "Robinson hasn't shown McCain's candidacy causes him any harm, they said: He's neither a presidential candidate himself nor authorized to sue on behalf of his party or party nominee Alan Keyes, and stripping McCain from the ballot won't much improve the party's or Keyes' chances of winning."

    The guy who filed the lawsuit sounds like a total nutcase to me

    EDIT: To answer to your additional details:

    It's common to throw out lawsuits without merit before they go to court, because frivolous lawsuits waste a lot of time and money...Frivolous lawsuits against our government, cost our government money...That's us, the taxpayers

  5. Are you a member of these fringe political parties? If not, why are you repeating their unsourced garbage here? John McCain is a U.S. Citizen, born in the USA and/or its Territories as of the date on his Birth Certificate. The lawsuit is frivolous, lacking any legal merits, and that's why it was summarily dismissed.  

  6. It is because it is a bogus lawsuit that will be dismissed in a heartbeat. Libs are afraid they cannot beat McCain in a fair election so they will use anything they can to try to steal the elections. Judicial activism will not save them this time.

  7. Because the Republicans are concerned of even the mst remote possibility that he is found not to be a US Citizen. In any case whatever the decision his place of birth could become a campaign issue

  8. I think I would be more concerned wondering if Barack Huseim Obama is a valid U.S. Citizen - from what I understand - his mother wasn't in country at least 10 years before he went to live with his father.?????????

  9. Both Obama and McCain are natural-born US citizens.  If they are to be defeated then they must be defeated based on actual issues, not taken out through these silly maneuvers.

  10. Hasn't heard about the suit.

    They are probably doing this because that is what they were hired to do.  If you work for someone and don't do what you are hired for, they get rid of you and get someone else.

    Ever held a job?  For long?

  11. First, of course he's going to try to get it dismissed.

    Second, they understand what the limitations of the Federal government should be.

  12. McCain was born in an American naval base  which is considered American territory, both parents American citizens, That makes him a full fledged American citizen. My daughter was born In an American Air Base in France, only her father was American citizen, yet she IS an American citizen and also French up until she was 21 years old, by then she had to make a choice

  13. This is getting out of hand. I have received emails concerning both candidates and their American citizenship. Folks, the answer is simple. If you are born with at least one parent being an American citizen, you are an American. It does not matter where you are born. I have many friends who were military brats born in Rammstein, Manila and other foreign countries.

    Please, let us all stop over this silly question. Both men are American citizens. I remember when the Republican rightwing tried this same hit job on Mitt Romney's father, George, who was governor of Michigan at the time. George Romney may or may not have been born in Mexico due to Protestant acts of terrorism against Mormons in the early 20th century and his parents had to flee. They were Americans.

    One desperate attempt I received said "Obama has failed to produce his birth certificate." How laughable. I was taught in grade 8 that birth certificates are a matter of public record and anyone may access them.

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