
Why are June Bugs called June Bugs, when they come out in July?

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and How come thats the only time you see them, then they dissapear? Where do they go?




  1. well they should come out on june first-hence june bugs. but they can also occur in july. as for where they go i don't know.

  2. Some of them are using last years calendar.  Common names are a funny thing.  At some point in history someone decided to call a Scarabaeidae beetle for the fact that they were most often seen in june, June beetles.  But that was at one location one one particular year.  The same beetle may appear later in colder years or earlier in more southern locations.  But it does come around June so that is its common name.  If you would prefer you can call it the May-June-July beetle.  Of course with global warming it may start apearing in April.

    Most Junebugs live 3 years as grubs in the soil and only their last year as beetles in the air.  They feed at night so they are caught by the light which attracts them.  There primary job that last year is to find a mate and for the females to lay eggs in the soil.

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