
Why are Kook fringe liberals up in arms about 'Operation Chaos'?

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But they did the same thing by crossing over in places like New Hampshire, helping to ensure that McCain was the nominee? There is no difference, except Rush is secure in his principles and is shouting it from the rooftops instead of trying to do it from the shadows. As usual, libs want 2 sets of rules. I'm glad to see it's having the intended effect! DITTOS!




  1. You kind of hit the nail on the head in the body of your question.  It is okay for them to do it, however God help anyone else that uses their tactics against them.

    We see that hypocrisy all through their party.  They have a sitting Senator that is a klan member (Byrd, WV), but they had a witch hunt against Trent Lott for his remarks about segregation.

    Clinton/Monica, "client number nine" and the call girl, Detroit Mayor Kwame and his w***e...all okay, personal life and s*x scandals are to be ignored, but if a Republican does something they should resign and charges should be filed (Craig).

    Democrat candidate loses popular vote but wins electoral, fine, Republican does it...rigged and flawed system that needs to be changed.

    The list goes on, but we should be used to this sort of thing from them by now.

  2. I think it great that Operation chaos has taken off from Texas and grown into something beyond what was intended.It shows the Democratic party and the Liberals in it just whom they are and its driving them crazy,because they have no recourse for it,because they are the ones keeping it alive.Vanity and entitlement on Hillary(ous)'s part,and the Messiah movement on Baracks part are just tearing them in two.I believe through the lust of power,greed and vanity it has well surpassed the original reason it was intended for. Its Too bad that the Republican party is not taking advantage of the time more aggressively,but if it keeps its foward momentum,as the time draws near,maybe the Right will get up off its @ss and stop leaving everything for Rush to do.

  3. There is no law against a voter deciding to 'change their mind' by voting for one candidate in the primary and another in the general election.  :)

    McCain 08.

  4. Rush is primarily an entertainer and liberals are hardly noted for their sense of humor.

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