
Why are LCD Televisions dropping so rapidly in price?

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I noticed that some of them have had big drops, as much as £300 or £400 on each television. Is there any reason for this or is it simply that the companies are bringing down the price on these products.

Thanks for your help.




  1. For one thing there is not the demand for them that there was..either because most people already have one, or because of the credit crunch people cant afford them, so shops have lots in stock and need to get rid of them, so they reduce the price.

  2. Like any other technical product, the newest and latest are always more expensive.  But as consumers start buying the product it gets cheaper.  The reason is that there's the initial cost of market and research.  As time goes on, these older equipments no longer cost the company money to research.  As the product is mass produced, the company can now produce a lot of these products at cost.

  3. Its The Credit Crunch Again! Many Businesses Have Stock Piled High,

    Their Mis-Fortune and The Consumers Gain?

  4. I think its because they break easily, my samsung didn't even last 2 years

  5. There are so many companies out there releasing LCD tv's that everyone is competing with each other to provide the best price on tv's. Some have more features than others which can also lead to a price drop. If i were you, if you haven't got an LCD tv yet, is wait for a few years or so as by then a new breed of tv will be out which is (supposedly) way better than HD TV's.

  6. There are a number of reasons for this but the main one is that all the major manufacturers have now finished launching their main '08 ranges. Thus when there was uncertainty about availability all the retailers sold for the RRP or close to it. Once the stock started arriving the prices dropped because you could buy big quantity at good price and undercut the next guy.

    Also important to make sure you are looking at the new ranges and not the the older models as some retailers have to get rid of stock.  

  7. Because these are no longer new unique premium products but mass produced items and from mass production comes price reduction to stimulate sales.

    Also many new products are issued and the previous model is the one reduced by the £300 to ensure all old stock sells because of the price differential.

    Many makers introduced new models for the Olympics (and will do again for Xmas) so they need to clear out the older stocks hence the price reductions.

    a model now has a lifespan of around 9 months before its replaced by a newer one and these drops are due to this fast replacement of previous (eg sony had the  W3000 it is now W4000 and there was even a W3500 just for olympic Season) models.

  8. Better answer is as new technologies pour in, cost of making LCD become cheaper and cheaper and the same goes to computer parts.

  9. Supply and demand,When the demand drops the price will drop also.

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