
Why are Liberals comparing Palin to Clinton?

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Are they still in denial that Clinton's not the VP.

Hillary is out of the picture. Get over it.




  1. Whose doing that?  Cite your source.

    *edit* Oh wow.  You cited two people's opinions and that supposed to constitute all liberals.  Priceless.  For the record, you guys were the ones going on about how now Hilllary supporters will vote for McCain since he picked her as his VP.  Which by the way will probably never happen.  Most Hillary supporters are pro-choice.  Palin is anti-abortion.

  2. We are not comparing Palin to Clinton, we are CONTRASTING.

    There are big appreciable differences between the the two. Palin is just another far righter chosen to appease the radical religious right.

  3. There is no comparison at all.  Hillary is much more qualified than Palin.  I am thrilled with Biden as VP choice for Obama.  McCain must think woman are really naive if he thinks this will sway our votes to him.  I will take alot more than what Palin has to offer.

  4. It seems the Republicans are comparing them, since they're obviously trying to get Clinton's votes by putting her on the ticket.  They must think women are idiots - Palin's not half the woman Clinton is.

    EDIT:  I don't get what you're trying to say by reposting my question.  First of all, I didn't delete it, it got reported and deleted within a minute of being posted, probably because people didn't like the word "vag."  Whatever.  

    So I take it your question was a direct response to mine?  I wasn't trying to compare them.  I was pointing out that McCain only tapped her because HE thinks Palin and Clinton are comparable because they're both women.  He ONLY chose her because he's trying to get Hillary's voters.  They made that very obvious in Palin's speech today, when she praised Hillary and made all those "glass ceiling" comments.  She even said "women aren't done yet."  She's playing right along with the game, trying to make it sound like women are all on the same team and should vote for her because she's a woman.  It's insulting to me as a woman.  Palin doesn't have near the political fortitude that Hillary does.  Also, though I'm glad to see women in the political process, I was never voting for anyone because of their race or gender.  I would never dream of switching from Hillary to McCain, because it doesn't make sense from a policy perspective.

    But you Republicans are hilarious, you went and got yourself a minority and now you're acting like a bunch of third-graders.  A week ago we were forbidden from calling anyone "racist" for criticizing Obama, and now that you have your own minority you're running around pointing fingers and chanting "sexism, sexism."  How immature.

    I can't wait to see Biden tear her apart in the debates, though when he does you'll all scream that it wasn't fair and he was being sexist.

  5. Hillary wasn't even vetted for the VP position.

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