Honestly, the slander, accusations, and comments about her daughter are unreal. What does her teenage daughter have to do with her qualifications to become Vice President? What does her daughter being pregnant have to do with anything?
Some of the comments I have read are amazing to me. "Should we encourage our 16yo daughter to get pregnant now" "the Republicans encourage teenage pregnancy" "must be bad parenting" and on and on.
However, bring up anything about Obama, and that's just attacking him. His mother was 18 when he was born, which means she could have been 17 when she got pregnant. How is this any different? Please explain this to me. Am I expected to believe that no Democrat ever sneaked around when they were younger, engaging in sexual activities? Am I to believe that no Democrats teenage kids ever get pregnant? Am I to believe that teenage pregnancy is limited only to Republicans and Pro-Life people and should be considered "karma"
Get over yourselves, stop with the double standard. If you are going to attack one party and are unable to take it when your party gets attacked, then you need to find a new hobby. Please think about things before you spew them from your mouth.