
Why are Maddies parents blamed?

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Why do people shift the blame from perpetrators of paedophile crimes to the victims parents as in the case of Maddie McCann?Shouldn't the abnormal behaviour of these sickos be condemned instead of laying blame at the feet of loving,trusting,normal parents?Or, should we all be abnormally shackled to our kids 24/7/365,in fear of the unknown?




  1. If it is a family member, guest, teacher , priest or if the kids are just playing in the yard that is one thing if something happens..... you don't blame the parents.

    Not in this case. The McCann's are both smart educated people who are respected in their community so they should have known better.

    The world is full of people who go "everybody does it" and boo hoo when something happens. In this day and age one has to be carefull. Where do you think a predator of any sort is going to prey on people? Where there is a relaxed atmosphere and where people have let their guard down.

    Add in foreign country and tourists. The children where way to young to be left unattended. They are not poor people. They could have hired a nanny or taken along some girl from the village to watch the children.

    The person who took her of course bears the most share of the blame. But the parents bear a large part as well.  

  2. I think the big issue people have with the McCann family is they acted very irresponsibly leaving their Very young children unsupervised in a foreign country. When parents do something so obviously stupid it makes you question what kind of people they really are.

  3. We should always be sure to provide adult supervision of our children.  Leaving the children alone in the hotel room was a gross lack of parenting skills on their part.  So many horrible things could happen to children who are too young to take care of themselves.  You MUST have them supervised at all times.

    If you feel otherwise, you would not be a good parent.

    The parents are blamed because it would not have happened if they had had the child properly supervised.

  4. They should be after the perpetrators.

    However, those children should never have been unattended while the parents partied.

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