
Why are Mizrahi (Arab Jews) so hawkish and conservative, in comparison to Ashkenazi, (European Jews)?

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Why are Mizrahi (Arab Jews) so hawkish and conservative, in comparison to Ashkenazi, (European Jews)?




  1. I would like to stress something it should be noted that maybe nowadays arabic  societies tend to become less tolerant than it s western counterpart (i am lebanese iraki egyptain and i know what i am talking about)it s due to economical depression however that is a new phenomenon.In any given society in weather it s arab ,jew, vegeterians, or X if it s under economical pressure. extremism will go  on the rise (ex soviet union in 1917 and germany in 1933)

    Proof: there  have always been important christian minorities in arabic countries throughout times including notable jewish scholars and vizirs duric the arabic golden.

    However all the muslim populations were eradicated from europe and fled to north africa (with the jewish during the reconquista)due to intolerance

  2. Because Mizrahim have been exposed to Arabs firsthand and that is the greatest threat we face today.  Some are aware that what  happened to Ashkenazim would have been perpetuated in Arab lands to Mizrahim as well had allied forces not intervened.

    Arabs forced Mizrahim into ghettos.

    Arab Mufti was allied with Hitler and produced 100% Arab Muslim forces that "exterminated" Jews from lands.

    Even Moroccan Jews were forced into concentration camps.

    While Europe was liberated from Nazism by allied forces the Arab world was allowed to fester.

  3. I agree with kismet.

    Ashkenazi Jews do not have a first-hand familiarity with the Arab world, which is why they tend to be more idealistic towards them, naively believing that peace is possible.  They also make the mistake of comparing the fate of European Jews, which was somewhat worse than that of the mizrahi Jews.

    Mizrahi Jews on the other hand have experienced Arab/Muslim wrath and discrimination first-hand, which is why they are cautious, have no illusions, and are more hawkish and anti-Arab.

  4. ditto kismet

    it is because they have lived in Arab and Muslim countries and know firsthand how backward and intolerant those societies are.

  5. You need to understand something about semitic people;

    consistently speaking, even down generations, semitic people have always been vengeful.

    The simple answer to that question is revenge.  The Arabs need to be thankful its white people who are currently running Israel; if it was run by Misrahim, it would be an outright carnage to avenge the countless humiliations and mockery the Arabs put the Jewish communities through.

    Also, the Islamic world has no love for the Arabs; the Saudis have given Arab kind a very bad reputation, so if a major war was ever fought, the Arabs can not count on the help of Muslim aid from other countries any more than Iraq is counting on the help of any of its own neighbors actually.

    The Mizrahim are h**l bent on revenge, because they lived as second class citizens from the rise of Islam until the 20th century.  Another reason is mistreatment by the ashkenazi whose economic policies regarding the Mizrahim are less than generous.  Basically, living in misery first in the Arab countries, and then in Israel supposedly their native land, and treated as if they were less than them by "Jews" whose blood isn't even pure man, I was in their place and an Arab attacked me, I'd be pretty damned bloodthirsty myself.

    I'm sorry but, all things considered it would be the straw that broke the camel's back as they say, it would just be way too much.

    No pun intended; need to understand where they come from.  Relegated to cheap labor, and made to live in misery in a country people who aren't even pure Hebrews are barely defending.

    I suppose though, the thinner the blood, the less the love for Israel.

  6. I agree with Kismet.  If you're living in Israel, under constant attack or threat of attack, you'd be hawkish too.

  7. i have to disagree with that, maybe, it was true 60 years a go, but today the mizrahi Jews have integrated and have mixed in to the society very well.many hold top  CEO jobs with top companies,they are  excellent entertainers. in Israel.

    there are lots of mixed marriages as well.

  8. One word. Experience. Mizrahi Jews have more experience of the Arab world and Ashkenazi Jews are more keen to the subject and are optimistic of peace.

  9. I do not know what you mean to imply by hawkish.  In any event, Mizrahim have always slept with one eye open for good reason.  Europeans are historically naive and it shows.

  10. I assume it is because they have lived in Arab and Muslim countries.

  11. Badly judged and ill-based assumption by Kismet. Would Kismet use the same breath and assume that it might be that ashkenazi jews are arrogant and feel superior to other jews? Se link below:

  12. Cultural differences. Arabs are, in general, quite different from Europeans.

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