
Why are NFL player denied guaranteed contracts unlike MLB & NBA players despite generating the most profits?

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Why are NFL player denied guaranteed contracts unlike MLB & NBA players despite generating the most profits?




  1. That is where the signing bonus is important; if they were to guarantee contracts most teams would be broke. Look at what we are now paying for tickets, I have made it to the point that I buy season tickets for MLS games and watch the NFL on television.

    Look at the increased number of players and decreased number of games to generate revenue in the NFL. Also the cost of stadiums is outlandish; the new Cowboy stadium is costing about $1,000,000 per day to build!

  2. It has a lot to do with the injury risk. If an NBA or MLB team has an injury it doesnt effect the cap (Baseball has none....the so-called soft cap in the NBA is a joke). Imagine if you get 4 or 5 catostrophic injuries on gauranteed contracts in the NFL and each has 2 or 3 years left what kind of cap hit you would face. Plus you arent paying out salaries to 55 players in the other sports like you are the NFL so they need a larger profit margin to begin with. Add in the extra travel expenses, equipment expenses, more trainers and equipment guys and only 8 to 10 regular and post season games in the home stadium and profit versus expenses are very high. Guaranteed contracts in the other sports usually involve deals with proven players that have plenty of games left in them while the typical NFL career lasts 4 years (about the length of the typical rookie deal). And the baseball and basketball guys can be covered against major injuries with contract insurance policies while it is far more costly and harder to insure most NFL players (especially ones that have any previous injuries).

  3. Because the game is so violent nobody knows week to week who will be injured and who won't. Nfl was also the first to implement a salary cap.  

  4. Because the NFLPA is perhaps the worst player representative groups in professional sports.  They can't even get the rich NFL to pay ex-players who have serious mental problems due to concussions from playing.  It's just another way the NFL can make MORE money!

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