
Why are NRL crowds so poor compared to AFL???

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I know some of the Sydney suburban grounds have a limited capacity but even when the games are played at the marquee stadiums the support is minimal, AFL people must laugh when they see Freddie Fittler pleading for 20,000 to the match of the round this Sunday, 20,000 would be a disasterous crowd for the AFL




  1. NRL show their games live on TV. AFL delay showing their games. Why would you go to an NRL game in the middle of winter when you can watch it at home in comfort?

    AFL does not rate on TV in Sydney. I'm not getting into the argument of who has the better game, I'm a real football fan

    (the game that is played solely with the feet). In  Sydney on Friday nights AFL is show at midnight and beyond. Mind you they get 10,000 people to a funeral in Melbourne.

  2. NRL is boring, doesn't have as much skill as AFL, the game is full of thugs.

    AFL is so much better.

  3. I think that you have to look at the demographics. 1) The cost of living in Sydney is higher than anywhere else in Australia. Most people spend their money on rent or mortgage, food and fuel. 2) There is so much more else to do in Sydney. Comptition for the entertainment $ is high. 3) ANZ stadium (homebush) is a horrible ground to watch football at. 4) Pay TV provides such good coverage, why go to a game? 5) The cost. For a family to go to a average game it can be hundreds. For a origin, out of the question. 6) Standard of refs in the NRL is very very poor. Why spend heaps to go to a game when the better side loses due to the refs incompetence?

  4. I'm a Melbourne man and love my magpies, but have also watched the rabbitos in Sydney and followed Barnsley around in the UK.  There is a huge difference in the games.  A good game of any code beats a bad game in any code.  What I like about league is the crescendo - you don't get that in the other codes.  What I mean is, when a forward run is made involving a few passes and good running the crowd unites as one, and you only need a few thousand.  Its freakin awesome!  The soccer has the singing and that thinly veiled threat of an out of control crowd about to riot that makes it rock, and AFL = pies, singular cheer squads and ratbags spotted around the grounds that call out the funnies.  At least in soccer entire crowds chant abuse at you - its worse when lone Melbourne or Hawks supporters scream that Didak should be in jail or whatever, and deride you for leaving early bc your team is down by 10 goals and you do not want to be a sardine on a train.....

  5. I think part of the reason is the fact that people will go to a game they know will have a large crowd for the atmosphere. I know persoanlly I've travelled to watch AFL 2 hours away becasue I knew it would be a full house but I wouldnt have travelled to sit in a stadium with 3/4 of its seats empty.

    Thats from a fan but not a lover of either sport, the dedicated fans turn up regardless but the AFLobviously catches the occasional fan and gets them into the gates far more oftern a season than the NRL.

    I do think the idea where the AFL has targeted specific weekends for a theme like Womens Day or this weekend is the creator of the game etc. The AFL work as an entity far better it seems whereas the NRL appears to be a club by club approach.

  6. As a rugby league supporter living in Sydney, I totally agree with Robert C. There are alot of factors and Robert summed up most of them, It also doesnt help when you hear rugby league commentators bagging their own sport, instead of making negative comments all the time they should be trying to come up with new ideas to help improve the game.

  7. I believe that the people in NSW arent truly passionate about the game of rugby league, yes they get upset about their teams losing but dont really take it to heart. I am an afl fan living in outback nsw and i try to get to at least 1 afl game each year. The league fans whinge and moan about the price of tickets, pies, beer etc. if you truly are passionate about your side then go follow them pay your 30 bucks to get in and make it a day out surely your club will be happy you attended

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