
Why are Native Americans Called Indians?

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Why are Native Americans Called Indians?




  1. They were called Indians because Columbus originally thought he arrived in India.  The name just stuck (even though the India Indians were already using it).

  2. Look up this term. and you'll get your answers.

    "Los Gentes En Dios"

    It means the people of god. When columbus landed he thought he was in eden. Everything was green and the people were naked and UN ashamed. He called them "los gentes en dios" or "the people of god.

    BTW ol CC never made it to mainland America

  3. It thought everybody knew the answer until you asked this question.

  4. The explorers thought they were in the West Indies so the residents were indi-ans.

  5. You know that old story of the Spaniards trying to find a short cut to the Indies?  They wanted to find a cheaper way to obtain spices, which were grown in the Indies (non in Europe).  So, when Columbus sailed west and accidentally "discovered" the Americas, he called them "los indios", thinking that, indeed, he had reaced the Indies.

    In needs to be noted that, north of the border, Europeans referred to them as "natives" or similar terms, back in the 1500s, 1600s and 1700s...

    I prefer the term, "The People", which is what they called themselves (tribal names were used for "others").

  6. when the first sailors arrived on america with colombus they though they were in the country of india because they perpose of the trip was to find a way to india's spices by skipping the"middle man" in between the two countries. the name just stuck and we still call them that today

  7. The use of the word Indians (or Indios, word used actually to indicate the aboriginal people in the South of America) is due to the first explorations of the northern American continent when Colombo, who, with his trans-ocean travel, wanted to find out an alternative route to get to India, found out America instead and so called the new lands West Indies. And consequently the name Indians.

    I hope it's clear bye bye

  8. There are no "native" Americans.  The American Indians came from another continent (Asia), just as the Europeans did.

  9. On 12th October 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America.

    His original plan was to find route to India via sailing west from Europe. So when he reached America, then he thought that he has reached India and started calling native Americans as Indian (Red Indian).

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