
Why are Obama and Hillary wasting their time?

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Why are Obama and Hillary wasting their time?




  1. They are wasting OUR time because they are both the same. They are both in the pockets of the Fed, military interests, Jewish lobby, etc. They are part of the establishment, same as McCain.

    They will not cut spending by eliminating all our useless militarty bases overseas.

    They will not lower taxes (which are illegal under the Constitution).

    They will not extricate themsleves from the Middle-East conflict be stopping aid to Israel (aid which it does need, nor does our aid help them develop their economy).

    They will not reign in the Fed (a private bank) which is printing our money out of thin air contributing to our inflation and debt. This is the fundamental problem with our economy and this is why our middle class is being wiped out.

    So if Hillary and Obama won't do any of this, and I GUARANTEE you that that lying P.O.S. McCain won't, they are ALL wasting our time.

    Except Ron Paul, of course. He is the only one speaking the TRUTH and that is why he has raised $20 million in donation this last quarter (more than any other Republican), all of it from middle class people like you and me.

  2. becuase America want's real honest to god more of the same.....evrything they beleave and want blah blah we have heard it before......America can not be dumb anough to vote for either one of them...want real change Vote Mike Huckabee....

  3. Why are you???

  4. they arent wasting their time.

    they are front runners for the democratic ticket.

    and i personally think that which ever one gets the ticket, is definetly going to end up president.

  5. They're bored and unable to find anything more productive to do.

  6. they're not.

    obama 2008! =]

  7. Believe it or not some people want to be President of this country.  Some like the current occupant of the White House, for all the wrong reasons (power, wealth and to show his Mommy that he really is good and not a drunk, coke snorting moron).  Hopefully at least one of the current candidates has that in mind.  Unfortunately I can think of three that do not which is why I will be going to my democratic caucus tomorrow night and voting for...

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