
Why are Obama and McCain both helping to kill the electric cars?

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GM wants to sell us a $50,000 electric "Batmobile" like in the movie "Who Killed the Electric Car?"




  1. I think I'd rather have one of those invisible planes Wonder Woman tooled around in.  I'd also like to have Wonder Woman in it, if that's possible.

  2. Honestly, nobody is helping to "kill" electric cars, the fact is most Americans do not have the $50,000.00 to buy one right now.  

    A lot of the people are even upside down on their auto loans to begin with (i.e. they owe more than the car is even worth) and trading in their car for a new electric one is either going to a) not work financially, or b) purge them into debt, even further.

    The phrase "Who killed the electric car?" needs to be changed to "When will electric cars be the standard?"

    Plain and simple, this technology is in its infancy. It's going to take a long time for auto plants to make electric cars - the standard.  Once they roll off the line in an efficient manner of production, we all will be driving them.  

    Sure, Govenor Arnold, and Jamie Lee Curtis can afford to just "pick one of these up at their leisure." But the populous just does not have the extra 50K to spend, they need it for their food, families and homes.

    Think back when DVD players first came out to replace VHS... They cost anywhere from $500 - $1,000.00 and up.  Now you can pick one up at Target for 35 bucks. This applies across the board, to ALL technologies. Then, even further on down the line, something is going to out-date the hybrids and electrics, maknig them obsolete.  Its all a matter of time.

    Dont get me wrong, It will be one of the greatest transitions in history when it comes to powering automobiles and engines(considering that wind and solar most likely will not produce enough power needed for all the Aircrafts, Trucks, Trains, and major transportation). And, it will EVENTUALLY ween us off of our dependence of oil, for automobiles.  

    But the problem people arent seeing or realizing is its going to take TIME for this to happen.  In the mean time, we should be supplying ourselves with the oil we already have, to ease the prices, stimulate the economy and strengthen the dollar.

    The mere mention of us drilling for our own oil has already dipped the price of a barrel of oil down (yesterday and a week or so ago, after Bush's speech).  

    The major problem are the people who DO NOT want us to drill and DO NOT want the price to come down. If we do nothing now - in ten years -  gas is going to be 10 times the price it is today, yet will still have the same leaps in technology that will have taken place.  If we drill now - it will ONLY HELP us NOW, when we need it, and even allow it to speed up the developement of alternatives.  

    It's common sense, but that doesnt seem to be much of something people consider these days..

  3. Care to provide any evidence that "Obama and McCain both helping to kill the electric cars?"

  4. From my understanding, conservatives are the only ones pushing the whole off sea oil endeavor.  If you don't support drilling for more oil, you support investment in other forms of energy.  Hence, Obama didn't kill the electric car.

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