
Why are Obama and his fanatical supporters acting like its Gov.Palin running on the top of thicket?

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She is only in the VP slot at the bottom of the ticket yet Obama and his gang of cronies act like she's on the top of the ticket?

And for those who say McCain is to old and could drop dead and she'll have to take over don't you think its a little hypocritical to say that than pick Biden as VP? and please don't give me he's on the bottom of the ticket c**p because so is Gov.Palin either way explain you argument to me?




  1. that is their spin...

    but the fact is that she has DONE things that Obama dreams of doing.... like against after her OWN party on corruption.…when if EVER obama has done the same in the highly corrupt Democrat party uh?...I say she is more for change than obama is...she has DONE it! Look it up!

  2. She will be at the top of the thicket after McCain croaks.

  3. It's sour grapes because they had to(asfox said this morning) "go hire an adult" to seem creditable....

    While McCain found a proper candidate, that knows what she is doing....

  4. I think that people should ask the question about Palin's quailification to lead this country based on only 18 months as governor of Alaska.  Mc Cain is 72, and unfortunately has had 2 bouts with melanoma which is skin cancer which can recur and can kill you.  I think that choosing Palin was unfair to her, and dangerous for the country.  The reason I feel that way is that she was obviously not named to the Republican ticket for her qualifications other than the fact that she is a woman (to try to land disinfranchised Clinton supporters), and that she has extremely conservative views (to make her more palatable to ultra right wing nut cases like Rush Limbaugh).  Watch the news in upcoming days for interviews with Mitt Romney and Governor Palente to get a taste of what the ticket could have looked like that makes more sense and is a more well balanced team.  The attention placed on Palin as a result of naming her as a Vice President is exactly what McCain wanted.  Biden vs. Palin?  Rediculous comparison.  I'm glad to see you asking this question, and urge you to learn as much as you can about each the debates and keep an open mind.  You are witnessing history good or bad.  

  5. No - he had melanoma.  Melanoma is actually the deadliest form of skin cancer and reoccurance is common.

    Do the math - health records were released for each candidates.  Obama's health record was 1 (ONE) page long.  McCain was 1200.  The guy just doesn't look too great.

  6. Such idiots, you'll believe any ploy the GOP throws at you!!!


  8. you guys did the same thing when biden was picked hahaha.

  9. Because if he dies(age 72)(that's old) She will be left to run


    No Experience!


  11. McCain IS old, and has had cancer four times.  He's more likely to die than Obama.  And Biden IS only the VP candidate, plus he's younger and healthier than McCain.

  12. What's a thicket? I didn't know that anyone was running on one of those. Oh, by the way, as an American, regardless of which party I support, as an American, I am very concerned that potential leaders would choose someone to possibly fill their shoes (God forbid) who he has only met one time! People don't choose schools that way, don't choose partners/spouse that way, people don't buy cars that way, h**l, people don't even choose pets that way! Does McVain know anything about her? Do you? Would you trust her in your house after meeting her one time? Would you trust her with your bank account?  

  13. They must be scared.

  14. They are in shock. McCain is starting to show them whose boss.


  15. McCain screams about Obama's lack of experience and then picks as his second in command someone with next to no experience.  That is certainly a political mistake and a sign that he is nervous enough to scrap having a qualified VP in order to attempt wining over the women's vote.

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