
Why are Obama supporters so afraid of Palin?

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Read through all of the hate in these questions and remarks from Obama supporters, do you think you do your candidate a service by being so vicious and there is no way I have seen any Mccain supporters be this vicious.. This looks just like the same crowd that attacked Clinton through the primaries, its sad.




  1. I'm not afraid of her. All the attention is because of the recent naming of her as the VP nominee. She was named a week ago. It'll die down, just flavor of the month right now. She kinda reminds me for the mother from "Bobby's World." Oh don'tcha know bobbo.

  2. You wish we were scared of her she just another typical republican.

  3. She's a rabid extremist...what's not to fear?

  4. They know McCain will win now. She is charismatic and real and people can relate to her. McCain/ Palin 2008

  5. i think it's funny how you think that people who support mccain are kind, generous warm people, but us democrats are vicious.  we simply disagree, and rightfully so.  we dont need our country run by the wealthy texas-men.  

  6. I voted for Hillary, know I'm voting for Obama. I don't like McCain or Palin. There views are disrespectful to women and the environment. They do nothing but slander, lie, and twist the truth to breed hate. I especially don't like how it's blatantly clear, especially after Palins speech, that McCain picked Palin just to get some female votes. During her whole speech she didn't say one thing about how SHE would do things. All she did was talk about her family, talk about McCain, and diss Barack Obama, not saying one good thing about the man who said her family was off limits.

    Also, I might sound a little scornful after living 8 years with a president I didn't vote for and did nothing but separate and destroy this great nation.

  7. They're a hateful bunch. Thank god I'm not associated with them.

  8. To be perfectly honest, I simply do not care about the vice presidents. I don't know why people even care about Palin or Biden. I understand that they are supposed to be capable of stepping in as presidents, but there is no way I am basing my vote on whether I think the candidate's vice president, rather than the actual candidate, can be president.  

  9. Because she is like an atomic bomb compared to Obama and Biden's little run down kamikaze (suicide) plane.

  10. simple reason why Mccain supporters clash with Obama supporters. opinions, rude comments, ect.

    personally, i can't vote.. i just find it exciting listening to everyone's viewpoints, but if i could mccain would have mine!

  11. It's not fear, it's pity.

  12. You take a look at your VP, Mrs. Palin, and you get back to me about what "sad" is.

  13. Well, I was a fan of Clinton...

    And while I agree, some people are being vicious, others are presenting cogent and civil arguments.

    I, personally, do not like McCain or Palin and have tried to stay away from personal attacks in my comments (which I think I have succeeded in doing.) I have seen many other people do this to.

    Of course, some people are always going to be nasty when debating. Why don't you look at all the conservatives who are nasty...

  14. It is basically the same group that attacked and bashed Hillary.  Anybody that is seen as a threat gets attacked--especially a woman.  It also appears the women are the worst.   ***

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