
Why are Obama supporters so blind?

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All I've been hearing lately is how dangerous it is to put someone with no experience in the whitehouse.

NO sh*t

Well at least in McCain's case she's not on the top of the ticket. MANY liberals would have you think that McCain is about to die very very soon and that she's actually running for president because it distracts from the cold hard facts.

Obama..has NO experience.

You are pointing fingers at McCain saying ..what does it say about him that he's willing to trust the presidency to someone so inexperienced?

I dunno...what does it say?

Cause you are doing the EXACT same thing.




  1. Sarah Palin has 10 years of administrative experience.  That is ten years more than the combined experience of both people on the Obama/HairPlugGuy ticket.

  2. you know what? if Obama win then MOVE!!!  

  3. Obama's 12 years as a senator is no experience?  Well, if you are like many other hypocritical neocons that think only executive experience matters, then you just slapped McCain in the face as also having NO experience because he has never held an executive position in politics either.

    Hahaha, dumbass

  4. OK i'm gonna be very blunt with you!

    pull your head outta your a$$ and listen to the facts!

    cuz Obama has a lot of experience...

    at least 4 years more then palin....

    and you need to look at the big picture...

    McCain is 72... that is old... he could die or he might not but if he does that inexperienced women will be running our country!

    and Joe biden is such a great VP that he has everything that obama is lacking...

    they make a perfect team!

    if you compare McCain to any president he is most like BUSH

    and if you compare obama to any president he is most like John F. Kennedy...

    and i just wanna say have you every even watch a political debate?

    don't lie cuz obviously you haven't cuz you have zero facts in your little rant!

  5. I don't like her because she is anti- abortion to the extreme, anti-g*y, anti-environment, and likes the idea of teaching creationism with evolution (shudder).

    And personally I think that Obama has more relevant experience along with a deep understanding of our constitution.  And he has proven himself more than capable of selecting a superb team to work with.  No one every thought he could beat the Clinton machine, but he did.

    He is very intelligent, thoughtful, calm, compassionate and is exactly the kind of president this country needs.

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