
Why are Obama supporters so scared of Sarah Palin?

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I have never seen so much hate towards a women in my life! CNN and MSNBC, Yahoo News and the people on here keep throwing every insult they can think of at her! It hasn't even been a day yet!

Is this a sign that Obama supporters are panicking ?? Let's face it Palin is a successful Governor who fought corruption and won! She worked with TWO houses of a legislature, rather than within one like Obama did. And she has more executive experience then Obama and Biden COMBINED!

One more thing! She is running for VP, NOT the President of the United States like the less experienced Obama!




  1. Sarah will be the next VP and down the road you will see her sworn in as the president after McCain's terms.

  2. Turn on the news, the coronation of the anointed one is a side story.  Palin is the story.  

    Two things have become abundantly clear.

    The GOP is the party running the female candidate.  And one head and shoulders better than whoever that woman was they wouldn't accept as their candidate.

    McCain is a lot shrewder than the Dems would ever credit him.

  3. We know MANY Americans REALLY are stupid and narrow minded to just pick a woman who's with the OLD Bush lovin guy and keep use screwed for 12 years total

    8 with Bushdumbass and 4 with Grandpop

  4. As a Hillary supporter, I think Obama's camp should at least worry about how the DNC and the party establishment treated her, because with Palin, McCain will bring Republican women who were going to support Hillary back into the fold, as well as some Independents and Moderates who were looking at the Dems.  It remains to be seen what effect this decision will have, but I think it was a cleverly done pick from McCain!

  5. we are not panicking!! she is worst possible choice. who cares about experience, we need some new blood. OBAMA. McSame will proabably die during his presidency, he is so old

  6. They Know she'll stand up to Russia and Putin !


    She was Alaska's Governor for 1 1/2 years.

    and Alaska is closest state to Russia

  7. Not scared just disgusted that McCain couldn't have gotten someone better who could have really turned this into an interesting election.

    Now all we get is a woman we never heard of, governing a state with less than 700,000 people...ohjoy!

  8. It's not panic, it's a slap in the face. McCain's pick only highlights his desire to win the election and nothing else. I'm not saying Palin is a terrible politician, but she's no way ready to be on the National (and international) stage in such a capacity.

    Do you REALLY think McCain if he's elected is actually going to take anything she says as VP into consideration?

  9. I'm not. I don't know anyone who is. I don't know anything about her except the few things on the news (she's got 5 kids, gov for 2 years, lifetime NRA member and pro-life) I'll judge after the debate with Biden but she certainly doesn't scare me.

  10. You bet they are panicking and it is hilarious...McCain and company must be rolling on the floor in laughter.

    Jeez, she is just as experienced as Obmaa.. and they absolutely LOOOOVE him.. what's the problem.  

    Gee, if one little woman can throw them into this much of a fuss.. can't wait for the election.

    They look so stupid... it is really funny!

  11. Palin is the creature liberals fear most- a woman who knows her own mind and has the courage of her convictions.  

  12. she is a JOKE and an image put out by the republicans to make "average" people think they can relate... believe me no one in the WORLD is the least bit scared of sarah palin, she would not even be taken seriously around the world!!!!

  13. I think she will do fine standing up and talking to foreign dignitaries.

    she seems to be an unintimidated and down to earth woman, who is not afraid to speak her mind.

  14. You are right on!  Obama is less experienced than Palin, yet he is at the top of the D ticket.  His vp is a political hack with no executive experience.  And the Senator from Delaware?  How many states are smaller than Delaware?

    Palin is a true American and comes to the vp position with as much experience as Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan brought to the table.  She is a great choice!

    Oh yes, lest we forget, Obama brings to the Presidency all his vast experience as a community organizer!

  15. I'm an independent. But John McCain's pic is the most irresponsible decision a 72 year old man can make.

  16.   I think people are more scared of having her in charge if the old guy buys the farm.

  17. Oh yes!.

    Palin is not a Washington insider and has proven executive ability. I love the way desperate Obamabots are dishing all kinds of dirt with no sources. You remember how they treated Hillary.

  18. She's a know it, we know it, attacking her will make you you have to not attack her...insulting her will make you a bully you cant insult her...she was chosen to be the new Hillary in a hope that all Hillary fans will drop Hillary and move to her...once again she was chosen to get the 18 matter what her background is.

  19. They shouldn't be scared of her.  Palin is a great, popular leader with REAL executive experience.  

  20. I am appalled at CNN - whose gonna take care of the kid...well, whose gonna take care of Obama's kid - the anti-american wife that supports their kids going to a black supremist church?...

  21. Jay---you are right have have just exposed one more far left liberal hypocrisy. Women are sick to death of getting disenfranchised by first one thinly veiled disguise followed by yet another. They are scrambling for anything they can to silence our vote but it will fail.

    McCain/Palin '08  

  22. McCain chose Palin to try and steal votes from Hilary loyalists.

    P.S.  Palin isn't running for anything.  John McCain is running for President and Sara Palin was chosen by McCain as his running mate.  If no where on the ballot does it list a block to vote for Vice President, you are not running for that office.

  23. We're not scared of her...just appalled at McCain's disgusting transparency. Like he thinks women are going to vote for him, just because he picked Palin (an atypical woman, anyways....backward and ultraconservative.)

    And with McCain as old as he is, her ability to be President SHOULD be questioned. Being mayor of a city of 9000 people, and 20 months as governor, is not exactly experience.

  24. Yes Yes Yes, and she is better at sports also, don't forget!and she probably got a real birth certificate also!

  25. Obamas supporters are probably just scared because now McCAin will pull in the womens votes

  26. Of what, the fact she's being investigated by the FBI??? LOL

  27. The Obummerbots are running scared....hahahahaha

  28. This is why:

    She has already flip-flopped on an issue

    She is anti-abortion

    Anti-gun control

    Pro-drilling in Anwar

    Says global warming is not our fault

    Wants polar bears off the endangered species list

    The list goes on and on

    And McCain wants to talk about no experience. Come on now.

  29. Obama supporters are happy about that choice, cause they would not have to face the "experience tag". Instead of Obama supporters, I think Republicans are desperate. If something happen to McCain and he cannot run the country. Can you imagine that Barbie-doll girl in front of Iran's president, facing China, North Korea and controlling the rising of Russia...

    You just don't get it!

  30. Because they know she is a regular person and the conservitive movement is going to rally around Mccain/Palin and vote in the first female Vp

  31. Yes, they are in a panic. It's because Sarah Palin breaks the strangle-hold that the Democratic party had on many of it's less enthusiastic members...and the others know it. Obamas appeal has always been some vague promise of "change" and the insinuation that if you don't vote for him then you must be close-minded. This has worked on many so-called Democrat voters. Sarah Palin gives them someone else to vote for while still feeling good about themselves and the hard-core Democrats are worried about that. They express themselves through insults and venom...hence the reaction.

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