
Why are Ouija boards so bad?

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I mean there illegal in some places, because they are dangerous.

But wouldn't just sitting down in a haunted place and just talking to the spirits anyway, wouldn't that be just as dangerous?

I mean you could always record, get EVPS and then go back and ask more questions, so it would be more or less the same asking questions with a Ouija why are they meant to be so bad.

What makes them worse than just sitting down and talking to the ghosts??

Also I couldn't find any category for ghost etc, so I used folklore and myths




  1. The intention behind using one attracts negative energy, and should you get a ' response ' this can easily lead to obssesive use of the board, which can have some seiously destructive affects. Me and some friends used one regularly, years ago, and the negative effects  were terrible.

  2. The reason Ouija boards are so dangerous are two-fold, and will help to explain why they are sold where they are sold.

    Because the art of spirit communication is not actually accredited, taught, or in any way socially approved, most people attempt it without proper safeguards. But spirit communication is just as dangerous as driving: without knowing what you are doing, you can cause alot of harm to yourself. That is because most novices don't put up any safeguards, the same way most novice drivers don't put on their seatbelts. Because people just sit down and put their hands on the plachette and start opening up their consciousness and subconsciousness to the first entity floating in the air, its no wonder most people have horror stories, or believe in the horror stories of the ones they do, rather than thinking of that person as 'a complete idiot.'

    Yes, you can ensure that nice, friendly, happy spirits are invited to your party, but you actually have to do some preparation beforhand. And if you listen to even more idiotic people who don't know their circles from a hole in the ground, and who tell you that its all random if it is real in the first place, then its unlikely the person is going to even think about doing any of the preliminary stuff, which means any sort of nasty thing can just walk in and start chatting them up.

    However, since most people do not actually believe that such communications (and the consequences thereof) exist, or if they do exist they must be the result of black magick (and not human stupidity or impatience,) the store is obligated to sell the product (people still want to try it out, oooooh oohhhh spooky) but market it as a 'game' or 'for entertainment purposes only.' It can't be held at the pharmacy, and require the consent of an adult before being released, because the 'risks' aren't scientifically documented, and it can't be sold at some adult store, or require adult age verification, because it really doesn't have anything 'adult' (sexually explicit) about it. So the Ouija board gets sold alongside Trivial Pursuit and Candyland, cause that is the only place it can be legally put.

    Thus, they are dangerous because of their potential and because people discredit the potential for damage they can do and thus expose even more people, of the same limited or non-existent information, to the same. The ouija board, in and of itself, is harmless, its the actions, or the lack of actions, by the ones who use it who have given it such a bad name.

  3. Using a Ouija board is dangerous as there is no protection involved. Spiritualists and mediums spend time developing their spirit guides, occultists have circles of protection and words of power. Ouija has none of this.

    Also you don't dial a specific 'number' when using a Ouija you basically shout out into the night 'come and get it'. Worse the way Ouija works is by subconscious communication. That is the entity moves the glass through you, not directly. This means that entities drawn to possession are more likely to try and enter you when you open yourself up.

    Simply talking to a ghost is not as bad as you are not lighting yourself up like a 'beacon'.

  4. I guess that they think that you might be influenced wrongly and get into to Devil worshipp.

  5. I guess that they think that you might be influenced wrongly and get into to  assworshipp.

  6. there not cursed bewitched or any of the other poppy-c**k there neither good or bad  the only thing they are is a board with letters on it

    they don't tell you the future or speak to the dead the thing that move the pointer is the people around it

  7. Well basically they are bad luck and are hard to get rid of & a bad spirit could give you h**l and end your life in h**l. Don't go touching them and don't do it if you got dared.

  8. Its all a load of c**p. They do nothing. People imagine things and let their minds run away.

    Ghosts do not exist, there is no after life. Deal with it.

  9. it opens you up to possession because your excepting the demons but i understand you but talking to the spirit and excepting them is different by using the ouija bord your basically dialing a phone to h**l  and why are they the occult mark it ted it as a toy becuse they wanted us  except the devile at a young age

  10. In the states, they are illegal in a few select regions (i.e. portions of the 'Bible Belt') because people are small and closed minded.  These boards are toys, nothing else.  I had one as a child and it never moved, prophesied, or espoused Homer.  

    All this talk about inviting negative power is ridiculous!  Stress at work invites 'negative energy' while boning my wife invites 'positive energy.'  It is a matter of opening yourself up to your environment, not some stupid piece of wood.

    Go purchase one on-line or do yourself a favour and pocket the cash.

  11. They're just a toy. They work on subconscious movement of the users hands. I suppose they could cause some psychological damage if you take them too seriously. If the people who use them do so in a way that manipulates other users then that's not good.

    If there are spirits, they're not coming at us through ouija boards. Has anybody ever personally witnessed the glass moving on it's own? No, of course not.

    If spirits could move glasses you'd never be able to catch your drink in the pub. There'd be pints of bitter and white wine spritzers sliding all over the place.

  12. I think because when you use a ouija board you are supposably taking to evil spirits, not good spirits. No one likes an evil spirit!

  13. It seems to be a matter of religious opinion as to if they are dangerous or not. Any tool in the hands of the inexperienced can be dangerous.  

  14. when you use an ouiji board, you cant choose whether to summon a good spirit or a bad spirit, all you can do is hope that you called a good one. if you called a bad one, it can haunt your house and cause all kinds of trouble, and you might have to call a medium to come get rid of it for you.

    thats probably why theyre considered bad. plus anyone whos seen 'the exorcist' will probably never use an ouiji board ever again.

  15. Some people say they are toys. The church itself say that these boards are satan's toy - both are nonsense. The board has been used both as a toy and tool. They are not always dangerous but they can be. It is the communication that is taboo, it's said that you open a barrier between the worlds when you use this board, and you may at times let something out that you didn't want. Think of it as a chat room. You can be talking to someone nice and friendly or you can be talking to a predator. The board is eerie, you can also find things out about people around you. I was at a party once and a group of people I hardly knew brought out a board, and began to play with it - then they started asking silly questions like where did I come from and the board came out with to names - the names of my grandparents on my mother's side before I asked them to stop. The eerie thing was I hadn't even told the names of my grandparents to my best friend who wasn't Even sitting at the board (she is who I went to the party with)

  16. because there a piece of junk

    don't buy one, you will be wasting your money

  17. there cursed

  18. Ouija boards are not dangerous.  The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It is meant for two or more players so it will not work very well if you try to use it alone.  It has no supernatural powers.  It does not communicate with the dead and it does not contact spirits.  It does not open any portals to the underworld or to anywhere else.  The people using the ouija board make it work through ideomotor movement.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe just about anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards and how to use them.

  19. I don't believe ouiji boards actually do anything. But generally when people have used ouiji boards that's when the worst things happen, people get harmed, go missing, killed etc. (supposedly) Personally, I did a ouiji board and the glass only moved because we were willing it to. ie we pushed it. Otherwise, why would you need to hold the glass?...the 'spirit' would move the glass itself, if it can throw objects and kill people.....

  20. Just my opinion given my experience....  They aren't "bad".  They aren't "good".  They are just another gadget that holds aspects that touch upon the unexplainable.  

    (I have my own opinion about what is coming through such gadgets, but I won't start a debate.)  

    However, the point is the unexplainable is an area that holds a strong connection to fear.  The more I learn the more I begin to believe that things like the Oujia board is like that cave in Star Wars:  Empire Strikes Back.  

    "Luke: There's something not right here... I feel cold. Death.

    Yoda: That place... is strong with the dark side of the Force. A domain of evil it is. In you must go.

    Luke: What's in there?

    Yoda: Only what you take with you."

    When we "enter the cave" (or simply avoid it) and take our fear with us, that fear can be given power over us.  And we will find our expectations and experiences become reinforcement for that fear.  Empower it even more.  

    And since I'm quoting Yoda....  Here are two more quotes to consider.

    "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

    “Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”

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