
Why are Pakistanis in the UK so mental about shoes. I went to fix a ladys boiler and she forced me to take off

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me shoes. Can I sue her for violateing me human rights??? I mean I was sent there for a job and i shouldnt be made to feel uncomforteable innit. I dont live there. It aint my house. She called our company for a service innit. She shouldnt force me to do nothing. Can I sue??




  1. She made you take off the shoes because she bought everything from Harrods - some people can be very nouveau riche

  2. OK so nobody comes into my house or business wearing a burka or any face covering.

    Seriously , how the er "Government" expected to import millions of Muslims into the UK without genuine and fair opposition is beyond me.

  3. if it was a mosque fine but hey what would us brits be doing there lol would av told her to get stuffed and shuvved my boot right up her ****

  4. its disrespectful to wear shoes in the house. if you were a guest she might have made an exception but she was paying you so tbh you can't really complain

  5. What's with all the 'innit', stop acting like a stupid rude boy and speak English.

    If the lady wants you to take your shoes off in her house then have the manners to obey it, its her house, her rules.

  6. chav, you dont have human rights.

  7. she paid you right? well then that makes her your boss. lol

  8. It's called respect. If a person is paying you to do something and you are intruding on there personal space then you should be respectful and listen to them. It isn't just a Pakistan thing either. Many Asians would want you to take off your shoes and so do Hawaiians.

  9. moron

  10. Are you sure she was a Pakistani?  Maybe she was a Hindu

    Hindus don't wear shoes indoors  - its seen as a mark of disrespect to go into someone's house wearing shoes.

    I'm not sure whether the culture is the same in Pakistan although  it might well be.

  11. Most Pakistanis in the UK take a lot more pride in perfecting their English grammar, punctuation, and spelling than you appear to be doing at the moment.


    Seriously though, our local council gives the users of its repair service an option to request that workpeople wear overshoes when working in people's houses to comply with various religious hygiene requirements.  Maybe you should check this out before you jump on the proverbial bandwagon.

  12. You probably can't sue as it is her home at the end of the day and she is the customer. HOwever you can refuse to enter her home if you don't like the conditions as it is still your working environment. Sorry I can't be more helpfull.

  13. And i  bet she tried to s***w you on your fee, theyre not good people to do business with.

  14. How rude are you?  If you came to my house I wouldn't actually ask you to take your shoes off, but I'd be miffed if you didn't.  We do and so do our family and friends.  I always remove my shoes to enter someones house, even if it's a dirty minging h**l hole (if you know what I mean).  It just shows good manners.

  15. its a cultural aspect, no you cannot sue.But you can inform your employer that you no longer wish to go out to certain customers, might cause a drop in your pay packet, but that's for you to decide.

  16. It's good manners to respect other peoples homes when you visit, no matter what their nationality is.

    I was also asked to take off my shoes when I visited an Asian household and was told that it was about leaving negativity and muck at the door and not bringing it into the house. I thought it was quite a nice idea.

    It's customary in many Western households to remove shoes at the door too.

  17. Just practices of courtesy in visiting someone else home as a visiting guest.

    The practices of tradition and custom of individual community in expression of courtesy.

    Different tribe of different community just express the courtesy of them in welcoming to their home.

    Asian have different way of expression of greeting.

    The western too have different way of expression of greeting.

    Just give respect where respect is due.

    Not in just barging in.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  18. why did it pissed u off so much?

    holes in the socks?

    smelly feet?

    take it as a lesson to improve your personal hygiene!

  19. If I remember rightly, there's something about shoes and disrespect in Muslim culture.   I remember in Iraq when Saddam fell, there were pictures of people attacking his fallen statue with their shoes.  

    Seriously, this may have something to do with the answer

  20. they have a foot fetish........seamanab

  21. alot of people do that. just to keep your house clean. no shoes in the house. no big deal

  22. No. think it is an excellent idea to leave your shoes outside.Of course smelly socks are scarcely an improvement so you should have carried you own slip-ons.

  23. Dear dear. Are you being serious?

    It is the custom within their community to remove their shoes.

    What's the big deal?

    With your attitude you are lucky to have a job!

  24. I knew some Russians who had this shoe problem, too.  I tried to convince them that only crazy people did this in the US.

  25. I'm not Pakistani and I hate people having on outdoor shoes in my house. To think all the rubbish they have been standing in and I have a cream carpet. It's quite difficult to keep a carpet clean but I suppose you leave your woman to bother about things like that and are thoughtless.

  26. Yes sue her.  It will be fun to see you in the papers.

    Are you a man?...cos you sound like a mouse.

  27. Judging from your spelling and grammar you're lucky you have a job.

  28. It is customary for Asians to take off their shoes before entering the house - own and others. It is a mark of respect.

  29. You would have to take your shoes off when you come in to my house as well, and my family doesn't originate from Pakistan, innit?

    Who want's dog poo/pavement pizza/grime all over their carpets?  Wouldn't like to walk barefoot on your carpet....

  30. You  didn't  service her properly,  she  REALLY  wanted  HER  plumbing  SERVICED.  know  what  i  mean!

  31. It's her house and you should respect that. Maybe she wants to keep her carpets clean. Just because one pakistani lady asks you to take your shoes off doesn't make all Pakistani's the same. When I used to visit my friend, her Mum used used to ask me to take my shoes off and they were English people.

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