
Why are Parents always up 'n' yo bussiness?

by  |  earlier

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My wants to know everything how can i tell her 2 stop




  1. NO, SHE LOVES YOU.  If she stopped, it would mean she stopped caring, stopped loving you!

    Never wish for that, as annoying as parents (mothers) in particular are.  THEY LOVE YOU TO THE END OF TIME.

    This habit of snooping, following, questioning, is a bunch of things combined:

    LOVE, FEAR, NEED to PROTECT, LOVE, CARING, CONCERN, LOVE!!!   GET IT??????????????????


  2. it is your parent's God given responsibility to look out for you plus the fact that your parents love you. Sorry that is something kids have to put up with. Don't worry, you will live.

  3. They're your parents and it's their right to be all up 'n' yo buisness

    because they love you and want to make sure your not doing anything that will get you hurt or arrested or dead. If you don't like it, move out.

  4. You can tell them but if they're good parents at all they'll ignore it completely. You are a CHILD and it is THEIR business until you are an adult and living on your own WITHOUT their financial support.

  5. I am all up in my children's business because I love them and am guarding them from hurting themselves. Yours are doing the very same thing. Bravo, for your parents.

  6. I used to wonder about that too. But now I got a kid of my own and I'll be danmed if he gets into the s*** I did. And he is just five. Its a good thing that I don't have a girl cause I would be sweating right about now. Parents just want to keep you safe even though chances are that they used to do all the same things when they were young. Thats why they are all up in your biz. Sorry I'm 23 and my mama is still all up in my biz, and she lives 160 miles away. It sucks to have your parents on your back but they do it cause they care. Plain and simple. Sorry kid ;-)

  7. Yo business is also yo parents business. Accept the fact that you are a kid and listen to yo parents.

  8. 'cause we love our children and want to protect you.  Ask her to give you a little space, but follow her rules.  Ask for more freedom as you prove you can be trusted.

  9. I don't know how old you are hun, but as long as you still live in her house- it's her rules but I don't know your situation, you didn't complete your question. If you did something to p**s her off, then yeah- she has a right but if you are respectful and honor her wishes she should do the same for you. It's called communication and you don't have to be nasty about it either- just say, " hey ma, would you listen for once and hear me out " If she doesn't, how's your relationship with your dad? Talk to him... if you can't do that, do you have someone close you trust and can speak to? Don't be afraid to ask them questions and be informed of your rights, that has no age mentality- it's called responsibility- on both ends. I wish you the best of luck.

  10. Tell dem "**** OFF"

  11. Hey, dey pay da bills and get dem welfare checks to buy dos duds yo wear.

    Get out, get yo own welfare check and a bunch o babes wit no daddy.  Den dey no be telling yo whazup.

    A stupid answer to a childish question;  get over it kid, as long as they pay the bills, you are under their control.  He happy you have a home,and a mama.

  12. She's your mom and she has a right to know what you are doing. Deal with it, it's part of being a teenager.

  13. cause they have done what your trying to do and they r concerned better listen and be glad they care

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