
Why are People Going To Vote John Mccain Do they want more of george bush failed policies ?

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Do they want a meaningless war to continue going on ?

Do they want the average middle class family income to decline ?

Do they want they average american family to send their Family off to college ?

DO they want more home for closures ?

Do they want to keep getings thier oil from the middle east ?

Do they want gas prices to continue going up ?

IF all of these questions are no why are your voting for mccain .




  1. Too many people don't pay attention to the issues,they vote like they are rooting for there favorite football team.

  2. You are repeating the redrick you have heard and none of it makes any sense to anyone with a brain.

  3. Because republicans are dreamers. They choosed Mr Bush twice even though he failed in most ways in his first 4 years in the office.

    Now they think McCain will save them. Like I said, they are dreamers.

  4. and it seems you want to blame all of americas problems on Bush, why dont you do some research and calm down. you really think the price of the worlds oil is bushes fault hehe. boy you must be one of those people that think the president is God, not even the president has that kinda power! and if you belive all that bull you just typed in why would you vote for Obama cause that is just what you will get an economy that is much worse than what we have now. and then add another 9/11 to that , with obama in office we would get socked again because he wants to weaken our military and that we just cant allow!

  5. Do they want a meaningless war to continue going on ?

    My friend, we were attacked on 9/11.  We have been fighting terrorism for over 20 years, starting with hostages in Iran.  How many of your friends were on a hijacked plane?  I had 8 friends that were on one of the flights hijacked on its way to Greece.  They saw a US Soldier killed simply because he was a US Soldier.  We had over 3,000 people killed on 9/11.  So this war is meaningless?  

    Do they want the average middle class family income to decline ?

    I am middle class and I have done well under both the Clinton and Bush years.  My taxes were way higher under Clinton.  So do I want to pay more taxes?  No, I pay enough already.  if you want your income to go up, get a good education.

    Do they want they average american family to send their Family off to college ?

    I paid for my college 100%.  Got money to play football and I also did something most college kids don't know how to do.  I had a job and earned the balance that the football money did not cover.  I helped my step kids out with college, but my step son paid for 95% of his college.  How did he do it?  He had a job and lived at home.

    DO they want more home for closures ?

    The forclosure issue has nothing to do with Bush.  This is liberal lending policies by the bank created by the democratic party.  You could buy a home with no money down, a 5 year ARM loan and people bought more house than they could afford.  So how did Bush cause this problem?

    Do they want to keep getings thier oil from the middle east ?

    The Democrats have been blocking drilling for oil.  Have you been living under a rock?  See these stories and educate yourself.

    If you don't know who Nancy Pelosi is, she is the head democrat in the House of Representatives, which is part of Congress.  Harry Reid is the had democrat in the Senate.  These people want you get your oil from the mid east.  

    Do they want gas prices to continue going up ?

    Its called the law of supply and demand.  We have too much demand for the supply right now.  See my response to your previous question for how to lower gasoline prices.

    IF all of these questions are no why are your voting for mccain

    My answers are not all no, so I guess I am voting for McCain.  

  6. Exactly! But then again, if the house is on fire (Bush or McCain) don'tt try to put it out by throwing gasoline on it (obama/ clinton etc.)

    Vote Chuck Baldwin/ the Constitution party!

  7. Thanks for repeating the LAMEST of the Democrat Party talking points.

    Your jaw must be VERY TIRED from repeating that nonsense, huh?

    Oh, and you have a nice day, hear?

  8. no..Im going to have to get drunk to do it...that should tell you how I feel about The Obamas though

  9. I wonder why people would rather ignore all those issues and continue with hateful racist remarked instead.  "Stay away from the red Kool aid." or what your gonna give him some more if McCain wins?

    How much thought do people really put into their reasons for not wanting Obama for president? If someone would come up with some justified points, I would understand and respect the view.  But some of this silly **** I have been hearing and reading is pitiful.  

  10. If you don't think that obama is also a neoliberal globalist going on the same direct path as the Bush's, you are deluded.

    Didn't you people learn anything with the Clintons? No, hah? Well, there in lies the problem.

  11. Gee...this is the 1000th time I have heard this argument...programmed are you?

  12. They can't deny that he is another Bush any longer. McCain has done a 180 degree turn on all he used to believe in. Now Bush controls him, and all of Bush's policies will be continued through him, if no one can stop it! I hope American voters are smarter than that!

  13. Those that vote for him are likely voting against Obama.

  14. I know...

    But you're also forgetting that Obamas tax plan (not raising takes on any family making under $200k a year) will benifit 80% of the country.  

    While John McCain has stated he will hold the tax cuts and we will have a "trickle down" effect.  Nice how it's working right now eh?  

    Plus, in the 90s, we added 22 Million jobs to this country.  

    The last 8 years?  5.8 million.  The slowest rate in job growth since 1939.    

  15. Stupid, uneducated, ignorant, and easily tricked .... just like GWB!

  16. You must watch too much tv!

    Here is why you should vote for McCain:

    1. Lower taxes for all who work and have a family

    2. Obama said the phrase "redistribution of wealth"

    3. Obama has no experience

    4. "Universal" health care

    If you pull your head out of the media bias you will see that any American that wants to better themselves would not vote for Obama


    1. Doctors want to make $30,000 per year

    2. The middle class and upper middle class wants to pay more taxes

    3. You want to be even more dependent on oil from the middle east

    4. If you want the auto, drug, oil, and retail industries to go down hill fast



  17. Actually, for the people controlling the Republican party, the answer to all the above (no matter what they say to the contrary) is yes.

  18. Well maybe Obama can deliver the health care Bill clinton promised.

    Or the Social security reform Bill promised.

    or the security structure..

    or the elderly care..

    or the VA benefits

    or the election reform

    Does Hillary even know where her office is?  She hasn't been there yet - can she point out New York on a map?

    well I can't keep blaming Clinton, Carter didn't get them done either

  19. It is true these arguments have been made a lot.  But Republicans have no answer for them other than calling the asker stupid or a programmed robot.  I guess in their mind its better to say anything than to actually have a real answer.

  20. I bet you can recite word for word all of Obama's speech last nite, you sound like all of the other parrot supporters of his that can't think for yourself. If you were able to research the tripe you spew maybe you would see that Obama, your leader, is full of c**p.  

  21. I'm sure we all know why people are not voting for Obama!   It's America the land of the Free and the _h_t_ Man's world.

    God Bless  

  22. I love how people can back a politician that has no experience while their only argument is comparing the opposition to an unpopular president.

  23. If there's one thing Republicans have proven is that they would rather elect a leader who is intent on running the country in to the ground than have a president with liberal policies. Seriously, it has to be a really hard task to mess up as badly as Bush has and here comes McCain who's practically identical to him in regards to his policies. But because they are conservatives, well that just makes everything all better.

  24. the cut and paste from the website...

    McCain is closer to the middle than any canidate, and a frequent critic of his own some research and you will even see Biden felt McCain would of been a great Democrat VP in 2000 and also stated he was more qualified than Obama..

    Under Obama's Tax plan

    Tax rates will rise substantially in each tax bracket, some by 450 basis points;

    Low-income taxpayers will see the 10-percent tax bracket disappear, and they will have to pay taxes at the 15-percent rate;

    Married taxpayers will see the marriage penalty return;

    Taxpayers with children will lose 50 percent of their child tax credits;

    Taxes on dividends will increase beginning on January 1, 2009;

    Taxes on capital gains will increase, also beginning on January 1, 2009; and

    Federal death taxes will come back to life in 2011, after fading down to nothing in 2010.

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