
Why are People from London Anti-Social?

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Hey, I moved to London from Norway about 3 years ago now, and it seems like people here are so anti-social, what I mean by that is that if you just look at someone or smile at someone (just to be polite) they say "hey, what you looking at?!" really aggressively...

I know its not everyone but it does seem to be like that with most people.Just wondering is it just me or does anyone else think the same thing?

PS: The some guy got stabbed and died, and this happened because he gave a "dirty" look, I mean what now, we cant even look at people without being killed?

I think that if anyone kills another person like that should get the death sentace and thats it, no more excuses!




  1. Because they have all got their heads stuck up their backsides - impressed with their own self-importance (hey-ho).

    "Crack a smile so we can tell your face from your ar$e"

  2. Yes it is like that in some parts.  You must be smiling at the wrong people.  In time you will get to know the type of face, type of person,  that is likely to be like that.  There are also many people who will smile back.  You just need to be more discriminating.

  3. Such is life, if London is not for you go somewhere else

  4. Its all because time is money and money is time. Being friendly doesn't have anything to do with either time or money L in London doesn't stand for laid back or lovely its stands for Loadsa moneeeeeeeyyyy

    Provide an excellent service and you may get a smile lol or at least another job to do.

    Don't take it personal just turn on the AIR CONDITIONER IF IT GETS YOU HOT N BOTHERED.  

  5. I don't live there, but i go there a few times every months. And YES everyone is SO anti-social. I've visited there over 100 times now, and since then i've probably had about 2 smiles off people. I think it's like just because you've got your big gangs in London so people assume they've got to be cruel and mean to survive.

    Take care.

  6. ask Margaret Thatcher!

  7. Norway is more friendly. /

  8. I think you mean 'unsociable', not' anti-social'. I agree with you though, if you smile at someone on the street or the underground they look at you as if you're nuts. here in wales we always smile and greet people if we pass them, whether we know them or not.

  9. This country in 5 years time.....why do ppl keeep complaining abt countries they grew up in then come to a whole new place den start complaining if you dont like it den dey should go bk home...

  10. I live in the UK and agree that Londoners are very impersonal and not easy to make friends with. In shops they don't even tell you how much to pay. You have to read it on the till screen. I noticed that they're quite happy to squeeze money out of anybody too.

    You could move up North! We're much more friendly. In the North West we have cheaper houses, beautiful countryside, pretty villages and friendly people!

    London is ok for a day out but I couldn't stay there for much longer than that. It isn't safe and nobody cares.

  11. i fully agree, but why would you want to leave beautiful norway for a dump like london?, im amazed, i wouldve stayed in norway

  12. Hey, perhaps they dont like you !

  13. Immigration has transformed the city into a cosmopolitan metropolis. Such changes lead to positive advantages and some disadvantages. London is a culturally rich and very diverse city. People have introduced new cultures and traditions. On the other hand, it might be "offensive" to people of some cultures when random strangers smile and talk to you.

    Try going to "social" places: pubs, clubs, bars, parties or maybe join salsa classes to meet new people and get socializing !!

  14. It's a combination of the rain and the booze

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