
Why are Pitt Bulls popular with those who ar financially challenged?

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Why is it that many poor neighborhoods are riddled with Pitt Bulls?

This is an honest question. I have done many home visits in poorest of areas here in So Cali. The amazing thing I see in the poorest of areas are people with Pitt Bulls as pets.

I would like to know why is it that often those who are a financially challenged minority ( not white ) have Pitts Bulls? DONT' GET ME WRONG.. many whites I see own them too, but hey also appear to be from the poorer side of town.... just curious as to why this breed is so popular with the poor?




  1. Pit bulls aren't actually dangerous. The ones that are dangerous are only that way because a human trained them to attack and be vicious.  

  2. You know where you are trying to take this conversation, yet you sit and pretend as if it's just an innocent question.  Whatever.  I see how you put (not white) in parentheses so who are you talking about then?  Hispanics?  Blacks?  Asians?  I guess you didn't get the Memo.  White people live in the poor areas too and they are financially challenged as well.  Have you ever done any home visits out at the trailer park where somebody has umpteen cats living in their house?  I can clearly see the point you're trying to make here, but don't try to act like it's so cut and dry.

  3. In poorer neighborhoods people need extra protection; ergo, they have pit bulls. Your term "financially challenged" is patronizing and snarky, which is no surprise given your "question." Guess you're challenged in matters of decency and class.

  4. Maybe only people who aren't very bright (and hence can't earn lots of money) want to own a dangerous unpredictable dog.

    They also like to deny that they are dangerous.

  5. It's an investment! besides, they take them to Michael Vicks Pit Bull obedience camp!

  6. How is this an etiquitte question? This should be in the pet's section.

    I'd like to see statistics showing that many "poor people" own a pit bull, much less minorities who are poor.

    Taunting other posters is not going to help you any either. All you're doing is inviting a lot of trouble.

  7. Maybe they can't afford an alarm system, so they rely on dangerous dogs to scare away trespassers. I agree with the first answerer. Pit Bulls are dangerous in one way or another. One of them mauled and killed my pet in my front yard just a couple months ago. They need to be restrained, because yes, they are very unpredictable.

  8. They're the "tough" dogs lol  Financially challenged people don't have security alarms so a crazy vicious pitbull makes up for that ; )

    Everyday there's a pitbull that follows me around when I go outside, but he's so sweet and just smells me lol!  The first time it followed me I was freaking out because I recently heard about some man getting mauled to death by one.

  9. One reason is dog fighting, which I'm not saying your neighbors do but it is a way to make money, and pit bulls are the dogs used most often for that.

    Also, for security reasons.

  10. I have a pitt bull but i live in irvine in a very good neighborhood and i'm not white but i do have family that live in Santa Ana and have Pitt bulls but the main reason of having one is for protection.  Pitt bulls look very intimidating to people. So if you live in a bad neighborhood your more likely to be robbed than if you have a pitt bull in your front yard.  Who is going to try to rob your home when there is a huge Pitt barking at you? haha  

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