
Why are Politics so Ridiculous? ?

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Republicans and Democrats! They find one "flaw" (It may not even be a flaw, just a general thing) and twist and turn against each other as an attack. And how come on Fox when Politicians are asked questions, they don't answer it at all and just bash the other candidates? Why do all these people act like children? WHY ARE POLITICS SO RIDICULOUS!?




  1. because it works...

    those that call people the craziest names the loudest make millions selling books... Coulter, Rush, Michael Moore...

    people are stupid...

  2. It's just a show, like fake wrestling  When a real candidate does the work to get on the ballot, like Bob Barr, the two parties try to discard them.  The media picks the contestants and the corporations set the stage.  This year we have a chance to throw a monkey wrench into the system by electing Bob Barr.

    fiscally conservative and socially tolerant

  3. Speaking of Fox (News), did you see that interview with Shepard Smith on Extra? He said that McCain should choose Hillary Clinton as a running mate. I'm still trying to figure out if that would be ridiculous or intelligent.  

  4. Its an expensive pissing contest

  5. It's developed into a two party system, and it's becoming just unbearable

    The Founding Fathers warned us. Read Washington's Farewell Address and Madison's Federalist # 10.

  6. Because they have become so grandiose over; It's all about "Me"!

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